Our Impact


Forgiveness Prayers


Kids Discovering God


People Finding God

Our FREE Gifts To You

We’d love to present you with our treasures of inspiration. It is our way of giving back to you, our valued supporters, as we help spread God’s word. Explore our free books, music and videos designed to uplift your spirit, deepen your faith, and ignite your passion for God.

  • Free Music

  • Free Books

  • Free Videos

Find Freedom in Forgiveness

Unforgiveness is a deadly cancer. It steals our joy, kills our relationships, and destroys us. If you want to cure the cancer and find freedom, we have an award-winning book and free resources that will help you right now!

Experience the Fullness of God’s Abundance

Think of all the unhappiness we experience. We choose anger, fear and unforgiveness simply because we get trapped in listening to Satan’s lies. Didn’t God create us for so much more?

Jesus described Satan as the thief whose ONLY goals are to steal our joy, kill our dreams, and destroy our future. Now, imagine Jesus smiling with his hands raised to heaven saying, “But I came that you would have life and have it abundantly.” What a vivid contrast between Jesus and Satan!

  • Abundance vs. scarcity
  • Life vs. death
  • The God of truth vs. the liar

Jesus paid a big price for your freedom and wants YOU to get what HE paid for! Why Wait to Be Happy will show you how to stop listening to Satan’s lies so you can experience the joy of living in God’s abundance! Click the “Learn More” button to get your free copy of the PDF or MP3 audiobook.

Experience the Fullness of God’s Abundance

Think of all the unhappiness we experience. We choose anger, fear and unforgiveness simply because we get trapped in listening to Satan’s lies. Didn’t God create us for so much more?

Little Kids & Big Futures

What could be more important for your kids than to know – truly know – that they are loved by you and loved by God.

Our children need to know that God loves them all the time. They need to know they are always loved by God, and can count on God’s truth in a world that is so confused.

Our Purpose

Imagine being filled with God’s joy and peace every day! This is the abundance Jesus wants for you, and the purpose of Little Big Things is to help you discover this in your life!

Jesus loved talking about little big things! Our favorite is his story about heaven and a king who said, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over little things so I will put you in charge of bigger things!” (Matthew 25:21).

The whole Bible talks about Little Big Things such as the little match that can set a big fire ablaze. When we discover how we, as little people can trust our big God it can bring us so much contentment in our uncertain world.

We have hundreds of little videos, all designed to help people grow in their relationships with God, each other, and even themselves. We hope they will inspire you in big way!

Our Purpose

Imagine being filled with God’s joy and peace every day! This is the abundance Jesus wants for you and the purpose of Little Big Things is to help you discover this in your life!