THE POWER OF GOD’S WORD – How to Deal With Hopelessness

I was scared, literally worried sick.  The dark side of the world seemed to descend on me with problems that were way out of my control.  Yes, I’ve been there – and I’ll bet you have too.  Times where we are afraid, overwhelmed, exhausted and/or depressed beyond depression.THE POWER OF GOD’S WORD – How to Deal With Hopelessness

No doubt that Jesus felt that way when he sweat blood as the soldiers marched toward him.  King David must have faced this same darkness when he wrote, “Oh God, have mercy on me.  The enemy troops press in on me.  My foes attack me all day long. My slanderers hound me constantly.” Psalm 56:1-2NLT

THE POWER OF GOD’S WORD – How to Deal With HopelessnessWhen gloom swallows us, what should we do?  Where can we run?  How do we hide from overwhelming, pitch-black darkness?   We can do the same thing that both David and Jesus did.  We can call on God and “praise God’s word.” Psalm 56:10NLT

When Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the desert, Jesus responded by quoting scripture.  There can be no doubt that Jesus had memorized the Psalms where David said, “When I pray, LORD God, my enemies will retreat, because I know for certain that you are with me.” Psalm 56:9CEV

Yes!!  When we pray, the lights go on.  Darkness cannot stand the light, so it flees.  When we call to God, the enemy retreats.

THE POWER OF GOD’S WORD – How to Deal With Hopelessness

The power of God’s word – both his written word and incarnate word – Jesus – are so powerful that fear has no choice but to leave us.  There is no room for darkness if our heart is filled with light. Just listen to the power in these words:

This I know: God is on my side.

Oh God, I praise your word.

Yes Lord, I praise your word.

I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?

What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 56:9-11

Can you feel the power of God’s word!  The apostle Paul certainly believed them when he said, “If God is for us, who can be against.” Romans 8:31

So much power and strength are in God’s word. My friends, God is calling you today.  He says be with me, hang out with me.  Read my book and talk with me.  Put my word in your hearts – you’ll be filled with my light – and you’ll see life like never before.

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