PRAYING THE NAMES OF GOD – The Power of God’s Name – Daily Devotional

Praying the names of God. There is so much power in praying the names of God!  And when we pray God’s names, not only do we get a chance to see more of God; but we get to experience the beauty, love and strength of God in new ways; so we are the beneficiaries!  We are the winners.

Have you ever tried it? Let’s do it together and see how this feels for you!  This powerful, meaningful prayer can be so easy.  Let’s start by reciting the first few words of the Lord’ prayer: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”

Right here, let’s simply stop the Lord’s prayer and focus on God’s name.  I liken it to the alphabet game you played in the car as a kid. . . I went to the zoo and brought an apple, banana, candy. . . and all the players had to memorize the ABC list.  When I use the alphabet, it keeps my mind, my memory and my prayer time sharp.

Here’s an example of what I mean starting with the A’s: “Our Father in heaven praise your name.  Our Father, Abba.  Almighty God – nothing is mightier than you.  Alpha and Omega God.

Which brings us to the B’s; You are the Beginning and the End.  God, you are the Bread of Life – you sustain me with all I need.  Now the C’s.  God you are our Cornerstone – the foundation for our lives. You are our Creator God and you sent us Christ Jesus our Lord.

Now the D’s.  God, you are our Deliverer who frees us from sin and death.   You are our Everlasting and Eternal God.

Can you feel God’s presence flowing even deeper in your heart!  Our Father, you are Forever Faithful, you are our Fortress and the Fountain of Living Waters. You are God. God of the heavens and earth. God of all that is seen and unseen. You are the Good Shepard who leads us.

Heavenly Father, you are Holy, and we praise the Holy Spirit.  You the great I Am.  Jehovah God, we praise you for sending your Son, Jesus. You are the Judge and King of all. You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are Love. You love us so much that you sent us the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, the Light of the world. You are Majestic, Merciful, Mighty and the Most High God whose Name is above every other name.

So many ways to describe our God!  So many opportunities to see how deeply God loves us and cares for us – just by calling out God’s names!

Let’s keep going – we are on the O’s.  You are the Only Wise God, and we thank you for Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  You are our Redeemer, our Refuge, our Rock, our Shelter, our Shield, our Saving Grace. You are Truth, the one True God.  You understand us.  You are the Vine and we are the branches. Your Word is holy. You are our Wonderful Counselor who cares so deeply for us.

Our Father, you are Yahweh – the very breath of our life.  Breath in – then breath out.  Yah – weh. . . Yah – weh.  Every breath we take is a gift from you.

With all these incredible names, God Almighty loves it when we call him Daddy the most.  Our Father, our Daddy who loves us, hallowed by your name.

There is nothing better than spending time, talking with God.  Recognizing and praising God for all that he is for us.  Who else is there?  To who or what else can we raise our hands in praise?  To who or what can we feel this level of joy?!

We hope this easy video encouraged you in your prayer life and ask you to please share it with someone else who may be encouraged by it too!

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