I FEEL LOST – The Lord is My Shepherd – Daily Devotional

I think I’ve seen the movie “Babe” – the story about a pig a dozen times and I love the line where the sheep dog looks at the flock of sheep and says, “For it was a cold fact of nature that sheep were stupid.”

We know that sheep wander, get lost and follow the herd.  No wonder they need a shepherd.I FEEL LOST – The Lord is My Shepherd – Daily Devotional

Likewise, there’s no wonder I am a sheep.  Yes – like sheep I wander away.  Sometimes I can’t even think in a straight line.  I’ve often find myself saying the Lord’s prayer and without even knowing it, my mind has wandered off to who knows where.  Sometimes I resolve to be kinder and gentler when my excitable and uptight self instantly shows up from nowhere.  Yes, I wander and wonder what happened.

Not only that but I’ve been plenty lost too.  Lost in my own brooding thoughts.  Lost – not knowing which way I should go.  Lost my get-up-and-go, resolve and I’ve even had times where I lost my faith.

Like sheep, I’ve also followed the herd – or should I say the crowd?  Lately, it seems as if I’ve watched the news way too much.  I’ve helped in the spread of gossip and joined the crowd of being judgmental about things or people I know nothing about.  I’m a sheep and “it’s a cold fact of nature that sheep are plenty stupid.”

I FEEL LOST – The Lord is My Shepherd – Daily Devotional

That’s why I love Psalm 23 which begins with five beautiful words: “The Lord is my shepherd.”  Let’s look at these words:  The first word, “The” says there is only one true God – not “a” god of many, but the one and only true God.  The second word is “Lord” which means master and ruler with a personal, relational meaning – not an abstract or distant title.  The third word “is” means that that God is alive and the Lord is watching over me right now.  The fourth word is “my” meaning that I have a personal relationship with God.  He is mine and I am his.  And the last word is “Shepherd” and this is someone who watches over me, guides me, heals me and saves me.

Yes, I’m a sheep who needs my shepherd.  The Lord is my shepherd.  Can you say it with me and say it again all day long. The Lord is my shepherd.  The Lord is my shepherd!

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