The Good Shepherd: Discovering the Comforting Message of Psalm 23:2

Imagine a life where you’re not just surviving, but truly living in peace and joy. Where your soul finds nourishment. That’s the promise found in Psalm 23:2. It’s a gentle yet radical invitation to step out of the shadows of mere existence and into God’s vibrant pastures of abundance and peace. God is inviting you to drink from his quiet waters of blessing that never runs dry.  Let’s discover how to get this in your life right now.

The text says: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; and leads me beside quiet waters” (Psalm23:1-2).

Just like sheep, there are times when we go astray and find ourselves lost.  We so easily get lost in the chaos and choices and busyness of life.  Sometimes we follow other sheep – or should we say the crowd – down the wrong path, or we get in trouble or make poor choices.  Sometimes we get so lost that we forget where we are going.   And worse than all, sometimes we even forget our song, our faith, and who we are.  Is there any wonder we struggle so often to find peace?

But our Shepherd is our God who loves us and wants to guide us back to the right path. And where does he lead us?  To lush, peaceful meadows with tranquil streams that refresh our souls.

Refresh us.  Like holding hands with someone you love.  Refresh us, like waking from an amazing nap.  Refresh us like jumping into the pool on a hot day, or like taking a drink of water when you are thirsty!  Refresh us in a way that is beyond understanding but so very real.

Our God offers this to us.  His way of peace and rest.   And what is more joyful, or more pleasing to our souls than to spend time, drinking in the peacefulness and gentleness of God’s presence.  Where else can we turn to find such gentleness and love? And who else is always ready, day or night, no matter what. . .  Ready to hold us, rest with us, and refresh us?

And when we simply rest with God, we get to be still and know that he is God.  We get to remember that he has already won all the battles.   We get to remember that he loves us and is fighting for us.  When we truly rest in his presence, we get to live next to him, in his shadow.  And what place could possibly be cooler when we are faced with the heat of life – than to be in God’s big shadow?

When we follow our Shepherd, so we are at rest with God, this is when we get to say, “Thank you for watching over me and loving me,” and “Thank you for leading me so I am safe in Your care.”  Can you feel this gentleness!!  No wonder we can feel so at peace when we simply rest with God!

Please comment, “Help me rest with you” and afterward, we hope you’ll watch one of our two recommended videos, Psalm 23 verse 3 called, “He Restores My Soul” or you might like to see our Psalm 23 overview called, “Psalm 23 Explained – You’ll Never Read It The Same Way Again!”  And if you’d like the Psalms to come alive in your life everyday – visit  We’ll see you there!

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