My husband, Wallie, is a college football coach who loves every nuance of the sport.   He probably forgot more about football than most fans know, so if you’re like me, you’ll probably be surprised to hear what he says is the very best part of his job.   Are you ready!!  Wallie says, “I love helping boys become men.”

What a great job description.  “I help boys become men.”

Wallie doesn’t say, “I make better football players” or “I teach guys to be better at blocking, running, or reading plays.”  Yes, this is all a part of his job, but his favorite part is that he helps young college athletes learn what it means to become real men in today’s world.  How to learn, take responsibility, how to win and how to lose.   So far beyond football, Wallie helps them learn about relationships, teamwork, commitments and life.

Speaking of football, as part of my prayer time I am reading Tim Tebow’s book, “Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms.”  As a former NFL quarterback, Tebow’s wonderful, faith building book helps us navigate through the hard times in life.  I think it would be safe to say that his book, “helps boys become men.”  It certainly has helped me.

I’m not a monk, a prayer warrior, or a great theologian by anyone’s imagination.  But I for one, am so thankful for all the brilliant, thoughtful and incredible people who have helped me to grow in my faith and understanding of the Bible.

I’ll never learn Hebrew, or Greek and already forgot what little Latin I learned 40 years ago in college.  So my prayer time always includes reading Bible related books to help me learn new insights about the Bible, to help it come alive in my life.

There are so many smart, thoughtful, prayerful people who have poured countless hours, prayers and research into every sentence inside their books, all in the quest to share with, and inspire others.  They truly help “boys become men” and sure have helped me.

If you’d like to see our list of easy to read, God inspired books that will rock your world, take a look at our website or check out the links attached.   Jesus paid a big price for you to have an abundant life – and he wants you to get what he paid for!

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