HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL – God Makes Us So – Daily Devotionals

What makes someone beautiful? Some answers might include your appearance, skin-tone, eyes, body shape, facial characteristics, personality, prestige, the size of your muscles or even your wallet. Obviously, there are many opinions on what or who is truly beautiful.

But if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, listen to this amazing story about a British art collector who paid $5 for a painting at a Las Vegas garage sale in 2010. The drawing was created by Andy Warhol when he was 10 years old, is said to be worth over $2 million.

I showed this painting to a dozen people and all of them said they would never buy it. . . So the question remains, what made this painting so valuable?

The answer is Andy Warhol’s signature. You see, Andy became a famous artist in the early 1960’s with his paintings of Campbell’s soup cans and Coca-Cola bottles. He just happened to be in the forefront of the Pop art movement in America.

So let’s take a new look at the artist’s signature who created you. . . You’ll notice that it doesn’t say you were made in America, Japan or Mexico. The signature tag that identifies you says you were formed and shaped as unique, priceless and set apart by almighty God, the greatest artist of all time, who breathed life into your very soul.

The Bible even says that God “knew you before He formed you in your mother’s womb” (Jeremiah 1:5). Before your very first brush-stroke of creation, Almighty God was thinking of you!

Try this experiment: Hold out your hand and look at your thumbs. Then wrap your thoughts around the fact that you are the ONLY ONE in all of history and the ONLY ONE out of eight billion people alive today who has ever had your thumbprint. Even if you were an identical twin with the same DNA, you would have different thumbprints.

We would say that you are Thumbuddy. You are Thumbuddy special, and precious, and one of a kind. You are an original, unique and priceless gift created by Our Father who loves you. There can be no ambiguity about your value and what makes you truly beautiful.

This is a message that we think all children should hear. All children need to know in their heart of hearts that they are beautiful.

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