How Forgiving Others is Really a Matter of Justice

Why does it feel so impossible to forgive? 

Someone cheated you.  Abused or lied to you.  Hurt, humiliated, betrayed or gossiped about you.

You have every right to be angry or sad.  Unfortunately, long after they have forgotten about their offense. . . The cancer of unforgiveness still lingers in your heart and mind and you cannot shake it.

If you’ve felt this way, we have good news from the lips of Jesus himself, inside one amazing parable where he tells a story about heaven, forgiveness and unforgiveness all at the same time.  His story is about a servant who owed his king 10,000 bags of gold.

But Jesus said instead of throwing the man into prison until the debt was paid, the king chose to release the servant from having to repay the debt (Matthew 18).

When we laser focus on Jesus’ first lesson, we see how Jesus showed that true forgiveness is really a matter of justice, and justice is something we get to decide on.

Justice starts by first counting the cost, so we know what someone owes us.  Once we truly see what’s owed us, that’s when we can choose to release someone from their debt.  For example, we might say to ourselves, “They owe me $1000 and an apology, but I have decided to release them from paying me.”

The crucial decision happens after we have counted the cost and say to ourselves – and not necessarily to the person who offended us, “I release you from the debt you owe me.”  Did you notice the inside-out part of Jesus’ secret? 

When we release someone from a debt they owe us. . . The miracle happens because at the same time we are really releasing ourselves from our own need to recover what is owed to us.  When our own need to be repaid is gone, we ourselves are the ones who are truly set free.

Suddenly, you’ve erased your need to collect the debt!  You’ve cleared your mind so you can be free of all the poison and the clutter.  Instead of allowing someone else’s actions or inactions to rule your emotions, you’ve taken charge of your life again!  This is what true forgiveness of others does to us!

Because I have released you, I really have released myself.  See how this choice allows us to skip years of being stricken with the cancer of bitterness and unforgiveness!

Given your unique situation, you might not be ready to forgive at this very moment, but if you can see it’s possible – then you’re on the path to forgiveness and freedom!  Keep reading the rest of our articles and let this new world of freedom grab ahold of your heart and soul!

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