HOW TO PLEASE GOD – Finding Joy in God and Others – Daily Devotional

I vividly remember my one and only time on a rollercoaster when I was a kid.  While everyone else was screaming for more, I shrieked, “Stop!  Stop!  Please stop!”  By the time it finally stopped, I staggered off, vomited and vowed never to ride again.

HOW TO PLEASE GOD, Finding Joy in God and OthersWith that graphic in mind, I got queasy just watching my 12-year-old daughter, Anica, as she hopped onto a rocket-ship disguised as a rollercoaster.  I waved to her, then ran to snap a picture, just as her car spun upside down, plunging somewhere near warp 8 before lurching back into the air.  Despite the speed, the blur on my camera still managed to freeze a giant smile that stretched almost as high as her arms stretched into the sky!

And guess what happened to me?  I too couldn’t help but smile!   I even laughed out loud because I was delighted that my little girl was delighted.

So consider this idea for today:  When we take delight in someone else’s delight, and when we get joy from bringing others joy, I think we are truly delighting God.  Yes – our omnipotent God who is totally complete all by himself, is delighted when we delight others!

HOW TO PLEASE GOD, Finding Joy in God and OthersConsider how God was happy with every act of creation, but extra pleased when he created us in his own image, so much so, that he said we were very good. Gen 1:31. Now think how Psalm 149 says God takes pleasure in His people. Psalm 149:4. Here we have Almighty God, being pleased with and taking pleasure in his humble people from an ancient culture.

Fast forward to the New Testament and we see God saying, “Don’t forget to help others, to do good and to share.”  Why? Because “this is like offering a sacrifice that pleases God.” Hb 13:16. A sacrifice that gives God pleasure.  Something that God delights in!

So here is the simple truth for the day:  God is delighted with us, when we delight others.  And because we are created in God’s image, we too, get to be delighted when we delight others!

Who can you help today?  Who can you share with?  Who can you delight?  Wouldn’t it be delightful to delight someone today!

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