Psalm 85 – A Prayer for God’s REVIVAL

Psalm 85 is a prayer that asks God for a revival.  Imagine if our nation had a revival for God!  Let’s see how we can use the revival recipe of Psalm 85.

In the first two verses, the psalmist praises God for his past forgiveness, recalling how God rescued the Israelite people from Egypt and brought them to the promised land.  “LORD, you poured out blessings on your land!  You restored the fortunes of Israel.  You forgave the guilt of your people – yes, you covered all their sins” (Psalm 85:1-2).

What a powerful way for us to start a revival!  By praising God and thanking him for his grace and mercy!  Imagine if we all prayed this way!  Is there anything more powerful than God’s love and mercy for us.  Being thankful is the first step of revival.

The next several verses ask God to “restore us again” (Psalm 85:4) and to “revive us again” (Psalm 85:6) to make us into a people who worship God by how we live.

Yes – revival requires both big picture prayers for our nation, and living inside God’s grace in the small ways we interact with each other.  Pope John Paul II once said, “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.”

There is no doubt revival always starts in our homes with our families.  We can take great steps to prepare for revival in our nation by how we pray together as families.  By praying before every meal and every night before bed.  By being thankful for the Giver of our gifts, even more than for the gifts themselves.  And by including others in our prayers, so we can show our love and concern for the nation, by our love and concern for our neighbors.

Let’s pray:  Dear Lord Jesus, we thank you for your grace and mercy.  Lord, we ask you to restore and revive us in our relationships with our families, friends, and neighbors so they can see more of you in us.  We want to walk in your truth and praise your name in all we do.  Amen.

My friends, if you love the Psalms the way we do, we’d like to encourage you with a new Psalm video sent directly to you each day.  You’ll be empowered by the encouraging and living power of the ancient Psalms.

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