PSALM 92 – How to Wake Up With a Smile

Why do some people wake up singing, “Praise God for a new morning!” while others groan, “Oh god, its morning?”  Psalm 92 will show us the secret to being in the first group!

Before we dive in, let’s think about what you did at the end of the day yesterday? Did you read a book, watch a show, or snuggle with your spouse?  What did you do at the end of the day?   The only reason I’m asking is to illustrate how, for thousands of years (long before clocks were ever used) the day ended at sunset – and a new day began when the old day ended.

The point is simple. . . When we deliberately choose our last thoughts before bed, we get the opportunity to subconsciously carry them forward as the first thoughts of the next morning.   We deliberately set the tone for how we will sleep and how we will wake.

I remember a college friend who went to bed mad and angry.  He fumed on and on about how someone had betrayed him and his feelings of shock and dismay.  I listened and hoped he would get it out of his system, but the next morning he woke and the first thing he said was, “I’m so mad.  Where did I leave off?

How different would our lives be, if every night before bed, we spent quiet time in thoughtful prayer and thanksgiving with God?

Consider how Psalm 92 says, “Praise the Lord for His love in the morning and His faithfulness at night” (Psalm 92:2).  Now, think how Psalm 1 says, “Blessed is the one who delights in the Lord day and night.” (Psalm 1:1)

Can you remember the heights of infatuation you had the very first time you were in love?  How you thought about that guy or girl day and night, all the time!  God wants to be like our first teenage love, where we think of him as our last thoughts of the night, so he becomes our first thoughts of every new day.

What are your last thoughts before you sleep?   Imagine the joy of starting each new day with “Praise God for morning!”  And then, imagine this good feeling, this praise to God lasting with you throughout your day, so that day after day you become more and more filled with God’s love, joy and peace.

My friends, this is the secret to waking up singing God’s praise!!  Why would anyone want less than this in their lives?

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