PUT GOD FIRST – God is Jealous for ALL Our Hearts – Daily Devotional
We live in a complex world with many conflicting moral views. . . So I wonder if you’d be surprised by the 2018 Gallup poll that says 67% of the men under age 50 think pornography is morally acceptable?
Roughly 2000 years before the first camera was invented, in a culture where women wore long tunics,
Jesus said, “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5:28.
Clearly, Jesus upped the ante on the 7th commandment, which was already without ambiguity: “You shall not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14 – To break this commandment was an offense punishable by being stoned to death.
With all this in mind, it might be surprising to know that one of God’s names is “Jealous.” Some translations call God, “The-Jealous-One.” Exodus 34:14. Can you imagine saying the Lord’s prayer by saying, “Our Jealous One who art in Heaven. . . ” Yet this is exactly who our Father is… He is the Jealous One.
Webster defines “jealous” as someone who is intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness. When talking about God, the question is simple: What is God jealous of?
He is jealous of your heart.
God is like a lover who wants you to love him more than anyone or anything else. God wants your affection, your time, your worries, victories and defeats. He wants to share life with you. He wants you to read his book, and He loves it when you talk to him.
It is because He loves you so much, that he wants an intimate relationship with you.
The 1st commandment says, “You shall have no other gods before me.” When we look at the meaning behind this command, God could be telling us, “Don’t commit adultery on me.” Don’t cheat on me or put other things or people before me.
Yes – God wants to be in first place in our hearts.
Inside all the ambiguity and confusion of our morally tolerant society, one thing will always remain crystal clear. It is an urgent message that should be taken with the seriousness of adultery:
God loves you and wants to be first place in your heart.