WE NEED DAILY PRAYER – God says, Spend Time With Me – Daily Devotionals

Albert Einstein said time is an illusion!  But if that’s true, why did the old man spend his whole life earning money, but then spend all his money trying to buy more time.

Money once spent, can be re-earned.  But time spent is gone forever.  As a result, we know that time is much more valuable than money.  Perhaps this is why the Bible spends so much time, talking about time!

Peter’s book not only quotes Psalm 90, but he even tells us to listen up – because he wants to talk about time!!  He says, “Dear friends, don’t ignore this fact: One day with the Lord is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.” 2 Peter 3:8

To explain the significance of this sentence, I want you to imagine a snail riding on the back of a tortoise.  From our perspective, the tortoise is lumbering along, but from the snails perspective he is literally flying as he screams “Yeeee-haaa!” with all his might.

WE NEED DAILY PRAYER – God says, Spend Time With Me – Daily Devotionals

Concerning time, we are like that snail as we inch along, one day at a time while God is watching and urging us to think.  To ponder eternity.  To consider our day by day choices in light of eternity, so we can live and act accordingly.

What could possibly be more valuable and priceless than to spend some of our precious time, being alone with God.  Hanging out with him.  Talking to him.  Reading his book.  Telling him about our worries, and surrounding ourselves with his mighty presence.

In our world, 911 means emergency.  911 means urgent.  We are urged to call 911 when we see trouble.   Perhaps Psalm 91:1 gives us an urgent, imperative message as it calls to us:  Spend time with me.  Be with me.  Wait with me.  Dwell with me.

I urge you to pull out your Bible and read just one little verse today.  Psalm 91:1. Take a little time to think about it, and let it make an eternal difference to you.

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