Discover Lasting Happiness and Contentment

Unveiling God’s Secret

Have you ever caught yourself wanting more? More money, a perfect partner, a flawless appearance, or a bigger title? We often find ourselves chasing these desires, believing they hold the key to lasting happiness and contentment. But do they really, and have you ever wondered how God fits into this complex equation?

Let’s laugh, ponder, and explore the way you think about happiness and contentment. Stay to the end to discover God’s secret to what can truly make us rejoice – to be happy, in a whole new way!

Consider the story about a man from a remote village in Guatemala who told everyone, “If I only had a mule, I would finally be happy!” For many years this man worked long, hard hours while saving his money until the big day when he finally purchased his mule! Not surprisingly, he rejoiced, smiled, laughed and it was indeed, the happiest day of his life!

However, perhaps even strangely, on the very next day, the same man looked haggard and worn – like someone who’d somehow lost his purpose. When asked what was wrong, he cried in despair, “I didn’t sleep last night, because I was worried someone might steal my mule!”

Perhaps his story sounds like ours when we buy a new car only to discover the expensive insurance premiums that go with it. Likewise, it is almost a proverb when a man says, “The best day of my life was the day I bought my boat, but my VERY BEST DAY…. Was the day I sold it.”

It’s no surprise that we find ourselves tangled in a web of confusion regarding happiness when it is mixed with mules, cars, boats, and money. And to compound the confusion, our Bibles tell us, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). Of course, we know that God would never command us to adopt a carefree “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” mentality, nor is he telling us to be happy about tragedies and problems in this world. So, what’s the answer? Let’s get unconfused and discover Jesus’ secret to being truly happy and content in an exciting revelation.

Recall the time when the disciples were filled with joy when they told Jesus, “Lord, even the demons submit to us through your name!” (Luke 10:17). Their sheer excitement and the profound sense of authority and purpose they felt must have been electrifying.

So, it might surprise you to hear that Jesus said, “Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20).

Really Jesus! But amazingly, it is right here, that Jesus delivers his secret – virtually hidden in plain sight! Notice how Jesus has assumed the role of a coach. It is as if he is jubilantly applauding his team for scoring a goal, yet quickly redirecting their attention to the ultimate goal – showing them that they already have won the big game!

Not that they might win, or should win, or that there are 20 minutes or 20 years left in the game. It is that they have indeed won the game. Let’s read it again, as Jesus says in present tense: “Rejoice that your names ARE written in heaven.” The victory has already been won!
Here Jesus, our coach, is not trying to be a killjoy in an exciting moment. Rather, he imparts an even more powerful message of victory: That life is fleeting and our desires for more are small compared to our names being eternally inscribed in heaven. To be able to “Rejoice in the Lord Always” is truly the “more” that we all seek. Isn’t this contentment what we all really want!

Let’s pray, “Dear Jesus, you know all about fake news, and how quickly we, and the things in our lives pass away. Help us, Lord, to put our hope and trust in you. Help us to think with an eternal perspective, help us to know you better, we can find true contentment and happiness with you. Amen!”

If you want two more of God’s secrets to happiness, or you want to take your relationship with God to the next level, click on our recommended articles. Then check out our free MP3 or PDF of our book “Why Wait To Be Happy” where you’ll discover God’s solutions for defeating so many of Satan’s lies. We’ll see you there!

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