Discover Two of God’s Secrets to True Happiness

(They’re Not What You Think!)

There is no doubt that God wants you to be happy! Jesus even said, “I’ve come so you can live abundantly!” (John 10:10). The big question is why are so many of us Christians still struggling with unhappiness, fear, and offense?

Well, here’s a revelation: there are people who radiate God’s joy and wear sincere smiles, NO MATTER WHAT LIFE THROWS AT THEM. What if we could discover two Bible secrets behind their consistent happiness? It’s time to rewrite your story and embrace the joy you long for. Keep watching because this video is about to change everything for you.

A good doctor would never prescribe ANYTHING to you unless he understood the problem first. In the same way, before we blurt out “these are the keys to happiness” let’s understand the root causes of unhappiness first.

Let’s start by exposing Satan’s grandest tactics, his ultimate weapons against happiness which are called fear and offense. Satan loves fear for two reasons: First is because the Bible says, “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). Therefore, the opposite must be true, that WHEN WE ARE FILLED WITH FEAR, WE CANNOT LOVE.

Satan’s second reason for loving fear is because when we are afraid of failure, we simply don’t try. And when we don’t try, we cannot help but experience failure. A classic example is the boy who is afraid to ask the girl out for fear she might say no. But because the boy listens to fear, he gets exactly what he feared – no relationship with the girl. The bottom line is that fear causes us to live little lives compared to the abundant life Jesus wants us to have.

A more complex example would be the old woman who was so afraid of dying that she locks her doors and rarely leaves the house. Now, even though she’s not physically dead, it could be argued that she never really lived. She consumes calories, but her “life” becomes smaller and smaller every year.

Next to fear, Satan loves when we get offended, and when someone wrongs us, he adds fuel to the fire when he yells how we deserve to be mad as hell. If yelling doesn’t work, he whispers that we should be sad or depressed. Either way he tells us, “Know your rights” and “Focus on your wrongs.” At the end of the day, he reminds us to never let go of the offenses committed against us. Then, first thing in the morning, he reminds us to replay the offense again in our minds. Think of all the broken marriages, busted business empires, and destroyed relationships that are caused by taking offense and choosing unforgiveness.

Now that we know Satan’s biggest weapons, let’s learn God’s secrets to disarming them. These secrets are BIG and will change your life. They may look small at first, but they are like little strands tied together to form a powerful rope!

First is to remind yourself of some undeniable FACTS ABOUT YOU, yes you, beginning when you were a brand-new baby. Have you ever noticed how everyone loves a new baby? And when YOU were a new baby, everyone loved you too! Now, you must consider that people NEVER love a new baby because of what it has accomplished.

Yet we still love them because of WHOSE they are. We love them because of the sheer mystery involved in their creation and birth. We love them because they make us take stock in our own lives, and for a million other reasons – even though they have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DESERVE OUR LOVE. And this how our Father in heaven views you. He loves you just because you are his. The Bible even says, “God proves His love for us because while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8).

Just two minutes ago, we talked about how “perfect love casts out fear” and “fear casts out love.” So, it only makes sense, when we know we are loved in our heart of hearts, we can endure so much more, even when the problems of this world want to push us down. In the same way, when we know God loves us, we cannot help but be braver. We are like the little kid who strikes out in baseball, and his dad gives him a big hug in the dugout while encouraging him, “Son, you took some great swings up there and I am so proud of you!” That is how life works when we know our Father in heaven loves us! We get back up and take another swing!

So, what about offense? It’s hard to be happy when we’ve been wronged and cannot get over what someone owes us. Maybe they owe us an apology or money, but the bottom line is that they owe us a debt. But here is the forgiveness secret that truly happy people know, and this is REALLY BIG.

It’s when we forgive a debt that someone owes us, at the same time, something else happens…. WE RELEASE OURSELVES FROM OUR OWN NEED TO BE REPAID. This is so big that we need to say it again. When I forgive, it means I know exactly what someone owes me, but have decided they no longer need to repay me SO I BECOME FREE OF MY OWN NEED TO BE REPAID.

When I free them, I get to be free too!! No wonder Jesus said, “If you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins either.” (Matthew 6:15). It all goes hand in hand.

And even better, by forgiving, our happiness is no longer dependent upon someone else, because my own needs have been satisfied. DO YOU SEE HOW YOUR DECISION TO FORGIVE PUTS YOU BACK IN CHARGE OF YOUR HAPPINESS! And isn’t this where we all want to be? I don’t want Satan’s lies or the problems of this world controlling my destiny and neither do you! With God’s help, we all want to control our own happiness.

If you want to learn more about lasting happiness or discover Jesus’ secret to winning the fights inside your head, click on our recommended articles. Then check out our free MP3 or PDF of our book “Why Wait To Be Happy” where you’ll discover God’s solutions for defeating so many of Satan’s lies.

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