WHAT IS THE TRUTH – Jesus said, “I am the Truth” – Daily Devotional

We live in a complex world with lots of competing views.  Last week I met a guy who told me there were many roads that lead to heaven.  He said he was a Christian, but believed in Buddha and also thought the Hindi religion had a lot to offer.  Before I could respond he started talking about the benefits of Kung Fu for self-control.

The man had an easy laugh but made it very clear that he did not appreciate “truth claims” because he said, “The real truth is that there are no truths.  You can think your way, and I’ll think my way.”WHAT IS THE TRUTH, Jesus said, “I am the Truth”

So I asked him, “How do you feel about the human sex trafficking problems around the globe?”  He responded saying, “It is an absolute wrong and morally degrading sin.”

Of course I agreed with him, but then asked, “How can you make this truth claim, if there are no real truths?”

My point of course is that there are in fact truths.  Gangs may have opinions or values, but we are talking about rock solid, eternal and absolute truths that transcend culture, time, politics or social rank.

And the source of our moral truths is our belief in God.

So speaking of truths, let’s be clear that Jesus is the only religious leader who has ever claimed to be one with God Almighty.   He absolutely claimed to be God.  To be living water, to be the vine, the good shepherd, the way, the truth and the life.

WHAT IS THE TRUTH, Jesus said, “I am the Truth”Other religious figures may have tried to point the way to God, but Jesus alone made the claim to be God.  And unlike any others before or after him, Jesus said that he loved us so much that he was willing to die for us.  He is also the only one in history who has ever defeated death by rising from the dead.

What an incredible one and only true God.  What truth do you hang your hat on?

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