THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS – Could Your Life Ever be the Same – Daily Devotions

The resurrection of Jesus. When did you first hear about the resurrection of Jesus? How did you feel? Did it change you or your perspective? Can you imagine what it must have been like to have actually been there. . . to have witnessed the resurrection of Jesus?

Imagine living 2000 years ago in Israel. No matter who you were or what you did – you would have heard about Jesus. You either saw, or knew someone who had seen, this man who claimed to be God. In fact, you’d be considered out of touch if you had NOT heard about Jesus (Luke 24:18)!

THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS – Could Your Life Ever be the Same – Daily DevotionsNow imagine, a few days after his death, you hear rumors that he is alive again – in the flesh.  The stories say that people touched him and saw him eat, yet he could go through walls and disappear. . .   Then put yourself in a crowd of 500 who personally witnessed Jesus give his last sermon 40 days after he was resurrected from the dead. We don’t know what Jesus said, but we certainly know that he didn’t say, “hunker down and hide in your homes and let’s all keep me a secret!”  Could your life ever be the same?  How could the resurrection of Jesus not change someone? It changed the world then, and news of Jesus still changes the world today!

Suddenly fearful men became fearless. Selfish people began to give. Racial and cultural barriers began to fall. People willingly and joyfully gave their lives for Jesus.  There is no one else. No one in history even begins to compare to Jesus regarding the transformation of mankind. Without the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, our lives would be incomprehensibly different from what they are today. Think about it. Jesus transformed the world then – and he’s still doing it now.

THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS – Could Your Life Ever be the Same – Daily DevotionsHow has your knowledge of Jesus revolutionized your life? Do you raise your hands to heaven and praise God for his amazing grace? Do you vow to live a life of love – no matter what the cost?  Are you informed about Jesus, or have you been transformed by him? Can your life ever be the same?  Let’s pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much for living, dying and living again for us. Amazing God, you did this for us because you love us so much. Jesus, I want my life to be transformed by you. I give my life to you today – deeper than ever before. I ask you to be my Savior and the Lord of all I think and do. Amen!

If you recognize the change Jesus has made in your life, and want to recognize the difference between God’s truths and the enemy’s lies, then we’d like to send you the MP3 audiobook or PDF of our book for free; Why Wait to Be Happy? – God’s Solutions for Defeating Satan’s Lies. The Devil wants use to stay in bondage, but Jesus came to set us free!

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