DEUTERONOMY – One of the Greatest Messages of All Time! – Daily Devotional

Deuteronomy!  Many people think the 4000-year-old book of Deuteronomy contains one of the greatest sermons of all time!!

deuteronomy, contrasts, new vs old, technology, colorsWhen Moses wrote this inspired book, he wanted to tell an amazing story, a compelling story, about choosing God.  And he did it by talking about contrasts.  Yes – contrasts. . .

Like day or night.  And Life or death.

But just for a moment, let’s go even deeper and consider some amazing contrasts that are right in front of us – everyday.   Then we can watch as the book of Deuteronomy comes alive for you!

How about this contrast!!  An organic, free-range, run-around-on-the-farm chicken egg is bright yellow and tastes thick and rich.  On the other hand, a cooped-up, mass-produced egg looks dull and mundane and has very little taste.

Or how about the difference between a backyard broiled burger with fresh tomatoes and sauteed onions compared to a fast-food slider that needs to be drowned in catsup just to get it down.

With all these contrasts in mind, let’s whip open your Bible to the book of Deuteronomy, and picture Moses standing on a big rock in front of his people as he said:

deuteronomy, Moses, Law, Bible, promises of God, sermon“The land you are entering to take over is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you planted your seed and irrigated it by foot as in a vegetable garden. But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven.Dt. 11:10-11

Land that is irrigated by foot – or – Land that drinks rain from heaven!  Wow!  What an amazing contrast.

Now imagine walking for miles carrying a long heavy stick weighted by water buckets hanging down from both sides of that stick.  As you trudge back to your garden the water sloshes and spills.  Your back, neck and shoulders burn.  When you finally get to your garden, you tenderly pour the water over the plants wishing your bucket would not empty so fast.  And then you make another long trek, back to well, just to refill your buckets.  Just try to imagine that.

Or – your plants and flowers and trees – even you, can drink rain from heaven!  What a contrast indeed!  Which kind of water would you want to drink!

Deuteronomy is one of my favorite Bible books because Moses foreshadows for his people – and for us – what life was like under the slavery of Egypt compared living in freedom with God.

He described the joy of truly living when we make God our first love and our number one.

man and woman, smiling in rain, rain from heaven, heavenly rain, deuteronomyWater from a bucket, or rain from heaven. . . What an incredible contrast!

My friends, Satan wants to convince you that life is like those dull, mundane mass- produced eggs.   He wants you to believe that life is hard and then you die.  He wants you to think that broken relationships, unforgiveness and anger are normal.

But our God wants you to live abundantly.  He loves it when you smile and laugh and truly live!  He enjoys it when you enjoy his creation!

Water from a bucket, or rain from heaven!  Which do you want?  We want to help you to get soaking wet with heaven’s abundant rain of joy and peace and love.  That’s why we’d like to bless you with the free MP3 audiobook or PDF of “Why Wait to Be Happy? God’s Solutions For Defeating Satan’s Lies.”

God wants to be your number one and wants to bless you with rain from heaven.  I challenge you to get started today!  Rain from heaven!

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