DO NOT BE ANXIOUS – Ask God for Help – Daily Devotional

The young man was a hero – the only one from his entire county who had ever graduated from college! After the big hometown celebration, his relatives gathered for some dessert at the family home and the mom stood for one more toast.  She beamed, “Son we are so proud of you!  Can you tell us something in college talk!”  With a little urging all around, he finally stood and after everyone became silent, he blurted out, “Pie are square.”

Like a loud fart in crowded elevator, an uncle snickered and the room instantly burst into a torrent of laughter while the college boy wondered what was so funny.  Finally, the uncle said, “Son – those boys from college have been teaching you wrong. . . ” He held up a pan of cake for everyone to see and quipped, everyone knows that pies aren’t square.   You see – cake is square, and pie is round!”

I told this joke because I have a mathematically brilliant son and a mathematically challenged daughter, but the real point I want to make is simple. . . Why would I ever get anxious over my daughter’s struggles with math?   But that is precisely the problem.   I have gotten excited.  I’ve already pushed math and caused angst inside our house – and all over what?  Why have I tried to make math so important for my daughter who does well in so many things besides math?  What have I chosen to get so anxious over?

Jesus could not have been any clearer when he gently said, “Do not be anxious.” Matthew 6:25 ESV   Did you know that Jesus said these words in the midst of his message asking us if we are focused on things of this earth, or on heaven?

Yes – why on earth would I ever be anxious about the things of earth when they are so very temporary compared to eternity?   To get a glimpse of how long eternity is, I want you to recall something from 20 years ago.  Ready – can you see it?  Hold old were you then?  Could your mind instantly go back 20 years?  Yes!!   Instantly!   That is how short our lives are compared to eternity.

“Do not be anxious.”  Jesus must have said these words only because he loves us.  He knows how little we are and how big we can make our worries.   “Do not be anxious.”

No matter how anxious I might get about math, it won’t make it any easier.  In fact, it only makes it more stressful and harder.   For today, lets stop and take a moment to ask, what are you anxious about?   Why?  What good has your anxiousness produced?

Let’s pray, “Dear Lord Jesus, please help us to look to you, to rest in you.  To put our hope in you.  To be anxious over nothing while we relax in your presence.  Amen.”

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