HOW TO CONQUER WORRY & FEAR: Unlocking God’s Divine Power⚡️ for Peace & Courage

There is no doubt Jesus does not want us to worry.  But the problem is, we worry anyway.  We’ve all heard Jesus’ story about the birds who don’t plant or harvest, yet God feeds them.  Jesus even says, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” (Matthew 6:26-27).  YET. . . WE. . . STILL. . . WORRY.

There must be a proven and practical solution, and that is what this video is going to deliver.   Be sure to stay to the end to unlock God’s power for peace and courage in your life!

Let’s start by agreeing that the words, “Don’t worry” are terribly ineffective. It’s almost like saying to someone, “Don’t think about pink elephants.” And who can’t remember how WORRIED we were when Covid 19 entered our lives.  Almost overnight, businesses closed, masks went on, ammunition sold out, hoarding began, while blame and isolation reached new heights as MORE WORRY filled the news.  It’s a giant task to not worry.

Worry is as old as history.  In the Bible, we feel David’s worry and desperation when he cried: “Hear me, Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy” (Psalm 86:1).  Then David moaned, “ruthless people are trying to kill me” (Psalm 86:14).  There is no doubt, when we’ve been worried or afraid, we can relate.

But the strength of Psalm 86 is found when David responds to his worries by reminding himself – out loud – about who God is.   First he says, “You are my God” (Psalm 86:2).  Then he raises the bar and says it again – OUT LOUD, “You ALONE are God” (Psalm 86:10).

As David spoke these words out loud, he was reminding himself, telling his own mind and his own heart, that GOD IS IN CONTROL.   What a life changing lesson we can learn.  Because we are all faced with worries and fear. . . And instead of wondering WHY did this happen or trying to figure out WHAT we can do, or WHERE can we go. . . Instead of any of these, we can look at the WHO.

Like David, we can speak out loud, “YOU ALONE ARE GOD” as we to turn to our God who is still in control.  No wonder the disciples said the same thing to Jesus when they said, “Lord to whom shall we go?  “YOU ALONE have the words of eternal life (John 6:68).

In the midst of our worries, let’s pray these words out loud and together. . . “You alone are God.  You alone are my God.  You alone are in control.”  Now that you know the words, let’s pray them again, “You alone are God.  You alone are my God.  You alone are in control.”

Notice that this solution is not a magic, change me pill.  You may even feel disappointed because we are not giving you a ten point sermon or a five step program.  Instead, we are giving you the simple – proven truth.  If you focus on your problems and fears, that is all you’ll see.   But if you remember how small you are, you can focus on how BIG God is.   Our Big God is never afraid.  He has never been afraid of covid, sickness, politics, the economy, or unrest.  He is the true King, and he is in control.

Once we realize this solution, we must know that anxious thoughts WILL RETURN because this is Satan’s favorite way to get us.  Scripture even says, “When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him UNTIL AN OPPORTUNE TIME.”  (Luke 4:13).

This is a warning and reminder to us that we need to say, “You alone are God” over and over again.  It is a lifestyle decision – like drinking water everyday throughout the day.

Perhaps this is why Jesus told us, “Do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear. . . Your heavenly Father knows what you need. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:31-33).

Now take a step of faith and comment “Jesus – you alone are my God” and as you do, let these words fill your hands as you type them, and fill your mind and heart as you say them.   When you type these powerful words and say them out loud, you are quoting scripture and the enemy has no choice but to flee.

After you’ve commented, you might want to learn how to be right in the middle of God’s “sweet spot!”  Or if you want to know Jesus secret to winning the fights inside your head, click on our recommended articles.  Then check out our free MP3 or PDF of our book “Why Wait To Be Happy” where you’ll discover God’s solutions for defeating so many of Satan’s lies.

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