How to Find PEACE 🕊️ in Our CRAZY World 😬

Finding peace. Where in the world can peace be found?  Especially today, when there is so much worry and fear.  Social distancing.  Business closings.  Words like “unprecedented,” “liar,” and “unrest” permeate the news as we become afraid of our neighbors and even our leaders.

Finding peace seems so difficult when our world feels on edge!  But the threats and problems of this life are nothing new, and if we are honest, every single day has always had the potential to bring plenty of trouble.  I remember one particular day when this became crystal clear to me.

It was just last summer when I cut down a big pine tree that stood between two other large pines.  The tree began to fall exactly where it was supposed to, so I turned off the chainsaw, picked up my tool bag and began to walk away from the falling tree, back toward the house.  But unbeknownst to me, as the tree fell, the branches caught on other nearby trees and the force snapped off the top of the falling tree, and like a rubber band, the top of the falling tree was slingshoted right back at me.

I never even saw it coming, but suddenly a branch the size of my arm flew down and skimmed my face and neck.  An inch closer and it could have cut my throat, broke my neck or clubbed me.   I didn’t even realize what a close call it was until my wife asked me how I had scratched my face.  Then as I got ready for bed, I discovered a huge cut that ran down the back of my thigh from another branch, even though my jeans were never torn.

Just then, the “Nextdoor” app on my phone alerted me to say that just a few miles away, a dad and son had been killed in a car accident.  Of course, they didn’t think, and I didn’t ever think I might get sick, hurt or even die that day.

Stories of people we know who have died from covid, and stories like the ones above, seem to make finding peace something unrealistic.  After all, how can we live in God’s peace knowing dangers lurk everywhere and can touch us at any time?

So, the question for today is not a cliché, nor can it be overstated.  Quite simply, the Bible would have us ask ourselves; Are we ready for one of the biggest parts of life that will someday happen to all of us?  It’s the part of life which God reminds us of: “You are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19 ESV).

Perhaps one of the keys to finding peace amidst all of life’s uncertainties is to be ready.  Three thousand years ago, the book of Proverbs called us to be ready, to be prepared, and it did it in such a beautiful way that any child would even understand as it said, “Take a lesson from the ants. . . They have no ruler, boss or governor telling them what to do. . . But they labor hard all summer long, gathering food for winter.”

So in our case, what if we took some easy steps to be prepared.  For example, have you said, “I love you” to the people you care about?  Perhaps this might even include hiding love letters under their pillows to remind them how precious they are to you. I think having peace – being ready – would also involve forgiving the people who have hurt you and asking forgiveness from those you’ve hurt.

Being prepared, more than anything else, means getting ready for eternity.  It means asking if you truly want Jesus to be the Lord of your life. It’s something we need to be ready for, every single day.  With all this in mind, would you please say this prayer with me?

“Dear Father, I know I have sinned and separated myself from you. I am truly sorry and want to turn away from my past sinful life in order to turn toward you.  Thank you for forgiving me and helping me avoid sinning again. In the same way, please forgive the people who have hurt me.  Amazing God, I believe that your Son, Jesus, died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer.  I invite Jesus to be the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey you, and to do your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

Finding peace and being prepared for God!  Yes, finding peace even when we find ourselves in turbulent times. . . What a wonderful way to truly live!

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