How to Focus on God, and NOT Our Problems!

We all have problems in life.  When problems, sickness and worries come our way, what can we do?  Where should we go?

Our complex world has so many difficulties that makes people wonder if there is an easy answer.  Could there really be a magic formula or a trouble-free pill we could swallow to give us victory – no matter what may come?

Without being corny or minimizing the real problems you may be facing, yes, there is an easy answer that can always give you victory! It’s an answer that is available to you right now, no matter who you are or where you are, and the answer is anything but trite.

How to Focus on God, and NOT Our Problems!To help explain this answer to life’s problems, I’d like to first share a very brief story about my heavy duty, holds up to 3000 pounds, tool chest.  My tool chest has drawers of wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, ratchets, hammers, saws, files, drills and so on.  Depending on what is broken, I go to my tool chest and grab the right tools to fix what needs fixing.

When we look inside my screwdriver drawer, I have Phillip’s heads, flat heads, star heads, Allen heads and even more.  I’ve got screwdrivers are long, short, thick and thin.  I even have a screwdriver ratchet set that can turn a screw sideways.  Each problem requires various solutions – but every solution I need is right there in my tool chest.

Like most of life, the more problems we solve, the better we get with our tools.  I know guys who can fix or build anything from cars to houses, inside or out – as long as they can get to their tool chest first.

How to Focus on God, and NOT Our Problems!So, what does this have to do with you and the troubles plaguing us today? The answer is that we all have access to the same amazing tool chest. It is absolutely free and can be found online or in any bookstore.  This tool chest is called the Bible, and it is filled with every tool we could ever need – no matter what problems we might face.

Before you roll your eyes or check-out, just listen to these truths about the Bible.  The words in the Bible still heal broken relationships, even today.  The words of Jesus, still open up both hearts and wallets, even in times of financial uncertainty.

Yes, the words inside the Bible are the tools of heaven.  For example, when we are afraid, we can go to our Bible tool chest and speak out loud the Bible’s truth: “God’s love casts out all fear” (1 Jn 4:18). When we are lonely, we can go to our Bible tool chest and declare, “Jesus is with me always, even to the end of time” (Mt 28:20). When we are worried, we can proclaim the Bible’s words, “God will supply all my needs” (Phil 4:19).

How to Focus on God, and NOT Our Problems!We are so fortunate because we can go to God’s toolbox, open the drawers, and look inside until we find the right tool to solve our problems.  We can hold these tools in our hearts and minds and meditate on their truth.  Then we can declare, out loud, God’s Word.

When we say God’s Word out loud, it’s like plugging in a power tool.  We can cut a board by hand, back and forth, back and forth as we slowly saw our way through.  But what a difference it makes when we plug in our skill-saw, and let it rip.

God’s Word, spoken out loud, gives us power.  Power to conquer our problems.  Power to see our problems from new perspectives.  Power to know that God is with us.How to Focus on God, and NOT Our Problems!

Now, there are only two questions remaining.  First, do we go to our toolbox, the Bible, to look for our solution – or do we try to cut through the problems using our own limited strength?  Second, do we practice using these God-given tools so we can become more and more proficient with them?

The Bible says faith comes from the Word of God.  As you hear God’s Word and store it in your heart, your faith and power will grow stronger.

Let’s pray. “Dear Jesus, thank you for your amazing Word which brings understanding, purpose and strength into my life.  Thank you for giving me the ability to learn about your Word which makes my faith even stronger.  You taught us to pray, “give us this day our daily bread,” so today we ask you to give us, remind us, of your truth – your words that are stored in our hearts, to give us victory over whatever problems we may face.

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