IMPERFECT PARENTS – God’s Grace When We Need It – Daily Devotionals

The world is filled with them and all we need to do to find imperfect parents is look in the mirror.

Although my kids, like most kids, unknowingly expect perfection from their parents, I promise I’m not a perfect dad!  Likewise, my dad wasn’t perfect, and I remember way too many times when I got upset over his flaws.

For example, every thanksgiving without fail, when the food was ready and everyone was hungry, my dad would tell us the story about Gibbons – again. The Gibbons story can be told in 30 seconds, but my dad dragged it out by emphasizing every single word for at least – at least five minutes!

Here is a short version of his eye-rolling tale:  A wealthy pilgrim named Gibbons had a bumper crop of food.  He knew it would go bad if it wasn’t eaten right away.  So he invited all the Native Americans and other settlers for a giant feast.  They ate until they were packed with food and when the feast ended, everyone stood for one last toast.  In unison they all raised a glass of wine and turned toward Gibbons and said, “Thanks, Gibbons.”  And that is how the celebration of thanksgiving was started.

Every time my dad told this little story, he dragged it out for five minutes and by the time he finished, everyone clapped and whistled, “Yeah, Roger!”  “Say it again!” while I melted.

Now let’s consider another parental eye-rolling story from the Bible.  Remember how God told the prophet Samuel to go to the house of Jesse and anoint one of his sons to be the next king.  After Samuel rejected all of Jesse’s boys he asked, “Are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” Jesse answered. “He is tending the sheep.” 1 Sam 16:11NIV. Here we see a dad who never even considered his youngest son – the one who would become King David.

Later on, can you imagine King David shaking his head and saying to his dad, “Hey Dad, remember that time when you forgot about me. . . .  Yes, Jesse blew it.  Yes, my dad loved to chew on every word as we were all forced to listen. . . Yes, parents make mistakes – mine did, yours did, and we do too.

So, this is the simple message today, asking us to take a new look at our flawed parents and give them extra grace.  Maybe it’s a good day to write them a love note.   Perhaps a note of “Thanks Gibbons” just to let them know how thankful you are for all they have done for us.  For how they tried.  For how they did their best.  For how they loved us. Wouldn’t it be something if children around the world would more often say, “Thanks Gibbons!”

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