JESUS IS LIVING WATER – What are You Thirsty For? – Daily Devotions

Jesus is living water.  His living water satisfies the deepest part of us when nothing else can.  Living water!  Wouldn’t it be great to understand what this might mean for us!  Let’s start by remembering the last time you were bone dry and physically, desperately thirsty.

JESUS IS LIVING WATER, What are You Thirsty ForI’ll never forget one of the longest days of my life –  the day I accidentally dropped both of my water bottles.  The hot desert sun penetrated deep into the rock. My friend and I were halfway up a sheer cliff face when both bottles slipped out of my pack.  It took several seconds before they crashed a couple thousand feet below us – so far away that we couldn’t even hear any sound. We had planned this climb for several months and now, instantly, we knew we were in trouble.

Have you ever been so thirsty that you thought you might die?

King David was no stranger to thirst when Saul chased him through a different desert. One can only imagine David’s despair, his cry for help inside these words, “O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water” (Ps 63:1).

Let’s be David for just a moment. He’s being hunted. Living on the run. There is little food or water for him or his men.  They sleep on the ground and take turns on patrol.  There is a great shortage of both hope and water. Things look bleak – at best.

In the midst of all this despair, David cries out in search for God. He wants God more than water, more than comfort, more than anything.  “O God, you are my God.”  Can you feel his cry!  “I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.”

JESUS IS LIVING WATER, What are You Thirsty ForOh what a cry.  Here we can feel what David knows: That God is the living water he desperately needs to survive.

It is one thing to be thirsty. Quite another when there is no water.

In our lives, there are many good things that we can thirst for. Health, good relationships, financial stability, safety and security are a few that come to mind.  But what are you and I really and truly thirsty for?

What do we want now – and eternally – more than anything else?

No wonder Jesus shouted to the crowds, “Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink” (Jn 7:37)!

Yes – Jesus is telling us that he is the living water.  His invitation is wide open for you to drink of him to your hearts content.   To never be thirsty again!

My friends, we would love to bless you with more videos like this one.  Short, easy to understand videos that help bring God’s word to life – for you.  If you would like to receive our free videos to help water your thirst for Jesus, click the button below to sign up.  And we hope you’ll share this video with your friends!

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