JESUS IS THE TRUTH – What Truth Do You Believe? – Daily Devotional

I heard a story about a guy who insisted he was dead.   He was dead – dead serious, so his family did an intervention and brought in medical books that explained how dead people cannot bleed because their heart is not pumping.  Afterward, they cut his finger.  As the man bled his eyes became as big as saucers and he proclaimed, “I knew it.  I knew it.  The medical books are lying!”

Sometimes it seems like our world says, “your truth is your truth, and my truth is my truth.”  Some say, “there is no truth” while others wonder what truth really is.  So let’s answer the question:  What is the truth?

Let’s start by knowing that Jesus said, “I am the truth.” John 14 Then, standing at his trial before Pontius Pilate, Jesus said it again, “The reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” John 18:37 

JESUS IS THE TRUTH – What Truth Do You Believe? – Daily Devotional

Notice: Jesus doesn’t claim to know the truth because he is claiming to be the truth.  One with God.  In him, as God, there is nothing misleading, false or uncertain.  This isn’t fake news.

“Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

None of us wants to be fooled.  And no one wants to die for a lie.  Quite a statement for Jesus to make when his life was on the line.

Out of all the empty promises the world makes, it is so refreshing, so gratifying to know the genuine truth we can rest our lives in.   The truth that Jesus loves us.  The truth that Jesus wants to spend time with you. The truth that Jesus is alive and with us right now.

The truth is, that Jesus is the truth.

My friends, in today’s complicated world, we need to be a voice of truth.  Please share this video with your friends to encourage them of the truth.  The truth that Jesus is alive and with us right now!

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