ONE LITTLE THING – The Power of Being Thankful – Daily Devotionals

Imagine two NFL quarterbacks.  One has a pass completion percentage of 65% and one averages 66% – just one tiny percent more.  If you said the difference between these players was very little, I’d say you were right.

ONE LITTLE THING, The Power of Being ThankfulBut if we do the math, we know that the average team throws 35 passes per game or 560 pass attempts in a season.  And the quarterback who completes just one tiny percent more will have an extra 5.6 catches that year.

Perhaps just enough to win one or two more games a year!

What a tiny percentage difference.  Yet, what a powerful difference, all at the same time.

So how would our lives look if we could harness the power of one little thing, simply by being thankful.  For example:

  1. Instead of grumbling about our job, what if were thankful for having work!
  2. Instead of complaining about people in our life, what if we were thankful that we even have people in our life!

Perhaps thankfulness is one of the major differences between good and great.  It’s just a little thing – and it costs us nothing.  But it is everything – all at the same time!

Being thankful.  What a powerful way to live.

Let’s start right now by raising a hand and saying, “Thank you my amazing God, for loving me so very much.”

Thank you, God.

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