WHO IS RESPONSIBLE – Blaming God for Our Mistakes – Daily Devotions

Who is responsible for the condition of the world today? For all the death and destruction? Who is responsible for the state of our country? For my hometown? For my family? For me?

Who pays for the mistakes I make?

who is responsible for our mistakes, portrait of hitler, blaming hitlerI watched a show about war criminals who claimed their innocence by saying, “Don’t blame me. I was just following orders.” Then, as we go up the ranks, we hear the same excuse all the way to the top. If we follow that logic, we ultimately can blame Hitler, Stalin and Mao for 120 million deaths. When you Google those names, you’ll even see the words “responsible for” attached to millions of deaths.

Of course, we logically conclude that the man at the top is responsible. But who do you think the Hitler’s of the world ultimately blame? Don’t they somehow think they were justified and following orders too? Crazy as it sounds, I’ll bet they blamed God. After all, God is on top and someone has to pay. What a sobering thought that God loves us so much that He voluntarily chose to pay for our sins. He knows that no matter how many bad decisions we make, and no matter how bad we are that there is always someone who is going to blame him. He also knows that no matter how good we try to be – we fall short and cannot possibly pay for our sins.

Jesus carrying his cross, Psalm 22, My God why have you forsaken meWhat a dilemma. Who is responsible? Who is going to pay? Can you imagine the physical pain that Jesus suffered on the cross without saying a single word about it. Yet he screamed in agony from the emotional pain of being totally separated from God as He quoted Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” Yes – Jesus paid it all. He paid it for you and for me. He paid it for everyone you know. It’s a message of love that the whole world needs to hear, and you can help us by sharing this great good news today! What an amazing God we have!

Would you like a free MP3 audiobook or PDF of our book “Why Wait to Be Happy?” I wrote it to help encourage you and others like you in your quest to reclaim authority over your life, take responsibility for your mistakes and dedicate yourself to living by God’s truth.

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