Why Satan Loves Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness is a sneaky thief that steals our joy, kills our relationships, and ultimately destroys us.  It’s no wonder that Jesus himself identified Satan as a thief whose sole mission is to steal, kill, and destroy.  Notice how in both cases, destroying is third on the list, which shows how destroying is far worse than killing.

Steal first, kill second, destroy third is like A, B, C – where the bad guy in the movie says, “First, I’m going to burn your house down.  Then, I’m going to kill you.  Finally, I’m going to destroy your family.”  Clearly destroying someone is far worse than killing them, so it’s a very grim thought.

Satan loves unforgiveness because it is his favorite tool to keep us in bondage and hinder our spiritual growth. Unforgiveness is a cancer that allows negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and bitterness to take root in our hearts, leading to broken relationships, emotional pain, and even physical illness. When we hold onto unforgiveness, we are essentially allowing Satan to control our thoughts and actions, keeping us trapped in a cycle of negativity and despair.

This is because Satan leads us down the steps of offense all the way to the pit of despair until we feel like we are living in hell.  Let’s uncover his game plan so we can set the alarms, and stop this thief in his tracks.

A:  We are wronged or hurt.   Then B:  We “rightly” take offense.  The next step C is when we stop trusting others and start blaming them.  In doing so, step D feels natural as we begin building our walls to keep others out.  Now comes the part, step E, when we dig in and defend our position no matter the cost.  When this happens, we cannot help but take another step down to step F where we harden our hearts and minds and grow apart from God.  Now at step G, all we can focus on is being right instead of being in right relationships.  And finally, we take the plunge down to step H where we feel like we are in hell – right where Satan wants us.

Satan laughs when we walk down these steps because he knows the Bible states the truth: “An offended man is more unyielding than a fortified city” (Proverbs 6:19).  A fortified city has big, tall walls.

Strong towers of anger.  Arrows pointed and ready to fly.  Hot tar positioned to pour down on anyone who would dare even try to climb that wall.  No wonder Jesus says that Satan tries to destroy us.

I talked with a man who is in the middle of an ugly hundred-million-dollar divorce.  He is so offended by his wife that he said, “I don’t care if I spend all my money on lawyers.  She needs to be punished and taught a lesson and I’m going to take her down and put her in her place no matter what it costs.”  Think of the number of divorces, busted up families, broken business empires, wars and more all because we choose to say, “I’d rather die than forgive them.”

Satan loves these words, and loves when people trap themselves in their own prison of offense.  Like an animal caught in a trap, unable to move, and slowly dying, unforgiveness is Satan’s wicked trap.  It’s designed to drive a wedge between us and God.  Satan knows when we hold onto grudges, our hearts become hardened, like a paralyzing cancer that makes it impossible for us to move forward and experience God’s love and grace.

But we can fight back. We can begin to take a stand against this enemy by declaring two things out loud.  First let’s say, “Satan, go to hell!”  After all, hell is where he belongs, and we can refuse to let him take up any more space in our hearts and minds.

Next, let’s say the most powerful three-word prayer in the entire Bible: “Father, forgive them.” These words are not just a prayer but a declaration of our desire to move out of Satan’s trap and forward in forgiveness. Jesus himself uttered these words as he was being crucified, and they hold immense power.  Let’s say them together again right now.  “Father, forgive them.”

We need to say these words over and over.   At the same time, we need to get smarter, turn on the alarms and lock the doors against this thief.  So right now, before you close this video out, make a decision to watch every video on this site, because this cancer is nothing to mess around with.

Changing your life, and discovering true joy in forgiving will take effort, but my-oh-my it is worth it!  God wants you to experience his true joy of forgiving in your life starting today.

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