Your Sins are Forgiven

When We Believe God is Punishing Us

Are you feeling like you’re being punished by God for your sins? It’s a question that’s plagued believers for centuries. In fact, even the disciples asked Jesus the same thing when they wondered whether a man’s blindness was due to his own sins or his parents’ sins.  (reference to John 9:2)

It’s a tough concept to wrap our heads around – the idea that our mistakes could lead to God’s punishment.  But is that really what’s going on?  What if today, with Jesus’ help, we could flip this kind of thinking on its head?

Jesus specifically addressed this, when a paralytic was carried to him by his friends. The paralytic’s creative friends couldn’t get through the crowd, so they climbed up to the roof, made a hole, and lowered their friend down on a cot, through the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus (Luke 5).

It was a bold move!  Imagine being in that crowd as Jesus was so strangely interrupted in the middle of his speech.   The crowd must have been stunned into silence.  What would Jesus say???  There is no doubt these guys wanted Jesus to heal their friend.  In fact, everyone wanted see a reverse the laws of physics kind of miracle.

Then the most unexpected thing happened.   Jesus seemed to completely ignore the fact that this guy was paralyzed.  Instead of touching him, or helping the man to stand, the Bible says, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven” (Luke 5:20).

If you or I heard Jesus say those words at that moment, I guarantee we would have been disappointed.  Really?  Is that the best you can do, Jesus!   His words, “Your sins are forgiven” were so startling that the religious leaders in the crowd instantly became furious.  We can only imagine the fire in their words as they shouted out, “Who do you think you are to commit such blasphemies?  No one can forgive sins except God” (Luke 5:21).

Blasphemy. . . Like a profanity of swearing against God.  An irreverent  claim to be God.

Now imagine being this man, who undoubtedly believed his paralysis was punishment for his sins.  There is no doubt he’d been told and certainly believed “You’ are only getting the punishment you deserve” right along with, “You’ll never walk again.”

Now with all this hush of the crowd, followed by all this screaming at Jesus. . . Try to be that man as you lay there, unable to move, and absorb the power of Jesus words!

This man’s mind and heart were more important to Jesus than his legs and arms.  Jesus addressed the core of his heart in the same way that he addresses our hearts today as he told this man four of the most powerful words ever spoken in all of history. . . “Your sins are forgiven.”

What remarkable words to hear. . . I’m forgiven.  Jesus paid my debt.  He paid it in full.  More debt than I could ever possibly hope to repay.  Jesus took my punishment and I’m free to go.  Jesus says to you and me, “Your sins are forgiven.”

So, armed with the power of this great news that Jesus had forgiven his sins, the paralyzed man suddenly had the strength to hear and believe, even more of Jesus’ words, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!” (Luke 5:24).

It’s the same way that Jesus is calling us today – right now.  Because our sins are forgiven, we are called to stand up.  To be strong.  To be thankful.  To be our best.  To forgive others.  And to accept Jesus forgiving our own sins.

Friends if you want to experience Jesus’ forgiveness in your heart and mind. . . If you want to cure the cancer of unforgiveness that plagues our homes, cities, and world. . . Jesus is calling you right now.  He says, “Your sins are forgiven” and he wants the power of his words to come alive inside you.  Your sins are forgiven.  Thank you, Jesus.  Thank you.  Thank you for loving us so much.

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