BETRAYAL Can Be The Worst Of Hurts – Daily Devotions

The couple had given their nephew free housing.  They had bought him a reliable used car, paid off his bills and fed him innumerable times all because they believed, “charity begins with those we know.”  Why or how the nephew had turned against them was still a mystery, but years later, the horrid sting of his betrayals still festered like an open wound.

Many of us have lived through the shock and dismay of being utterly betrayed.  Through anger, tears and wonder, we shake our heads in disbelief as we live, then re-live through old events that still hurt as bad as when they were new.  Betrayal is rough and raw.

Three thousand years ago, King David struggled with betrayal as he wrote, “Even my best friend, the one I trusted most, the one who shared my food, has turned against me.” (Ps41:9GNT)

As a little Jewish boy, Jesus would have studied and memorized the Psalms.  I can only imagine how this particular Psalm must have penetrated his heart, knowing this Psalm was written for him.  Knowing how he would someday be betrayed to his death.  It’s no wonder that Jesus quoted this Psalm when he said, “The one who eats my food has turned against me.” (John13:18NLT)

Betrayal can be the worst of hurts.  Yet if we are honest, we know that we betray God even after we break bread at the Lord’s table.  We betray him when we are disloyal and untrue to Jesus.  We betray Jesus and we abandon him and choose to sin.  Yet in all of this, Jesus still forgives us.  His grace, mercy and love are still bigger than our sins.

And this is why we too, are called to forgive.  

Let’s pray, “Dear Lord Jesus, I know there are people in my past whom I have not fully forgiven.  I’ve focused on how they have hurt me, and I’ve held their actions against them.  I have avoided them and been hard on them and this has been hard on me.  

My Lord, thank you for what you have done, for the price you paid to forgive me.  Please melt my heart with your grace and help me to forgive fully and freely.  Amen and Amen.”

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