KINDNESS – Finding More of God’s Kindness In Your World – Daily Devotions

Kindness. All of us need more kindness. Would you like to find more of God’s kindness in your world?  Perhaps there really is an easy way, a simple way for all of us to find more of God’s kindness – every single day – and it might all begin by our perspective – of how we truly see God.

Let me illustrate by using an example of two people who live in the same neighborhood, work at the same office, and do the same job.  Person number one thinks they live in a harsh world where we swim in criticism and competitiveness. While they plunge through these dark waters, person number two seems to fly with kindness, like feathers in the wind.  How could they both be right?

To find out let’s try this experiment.

Take a look at this video for the next 5 seconds and try to remember 10 things that are blue. Are you ready?  Ten things that are blue.  Go.  One, Two, Three, Four Five. Okay, now let me ask: What did you see that was red? And did you notice anything that was yellow?

Now, you might think I tricked you, but the point is simply that so much of our perception comes directly out of what we are looking for – or what we expect to find.

If we think the world is harsh and angry or hard and competitive, then this is what we’ll find. So, how would your world change if you started every day by looking at life through the lens of God’s loving kindness?!

Yes – his kindness.

Consider these ideas about God. . .  Have you ever thought about how God tries to lead us to himself? How he shows us his attractiveness? It’s certainly not through fear or punishment. Punishment might make God the Boss and might even force us to conform, but it sure doesn’t attract us to him.

Instead, God wants us to freely choose him, to freely want to be with him. And the Bible says he does it with his kindness (Romans 2:4).

Kindness.  It’s a warmness, a concern and consideration for others. It is a pleasantness and a way of seeing the best in other people. It’s wanting the best for others (Ephesians 4:32). Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit and an attribute of God (Galatians 5:22).

(Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.  Ephesians 4:32.  The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Galatians 5:22)

When we know that God is not harsh and condemning toward us, but instead, we see that God is loving and kind toward us, we cannot help but to give and experience more kindness in others.

Let’s pray. “Holy Spirit, please fill me with your kindness, and let it overflow so it pours out of me and I can be like you.”

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