WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE? – Noticing Daily Glimpses of Eternity

What is heaven like?  Have you ever wondered or worried about heaven – or had a fear of the unknown, or wondered what happens after someone dies?   You’re not alone!  God knows that we have these worries and that is why he wants to comfort us with his words, and gives us glimpses of heaven right now.  In fact, the Bible says we can see dim reflections of heaven right here on earth. Kind of like looking at ourselves in an old metal mirror. So, let’s take a look!

WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE? – Noticing Daily Glimpses of Eternity

Today was the first day of spring and glorious green buds covered the trees against a backdrop of the deep blue sky. The striking freshness of the green and blue filled my eyes with praise for God. I opened the window and the air smelled pure and fresh, and then I heard the beautiful music of the birds as they sang the morning into being. Though I couldn’t see them, their voices filled the sky and stirred me, deeper still, with praise for God. I walked down the hall and quietly peeked to see my kids still sleeping – and feel a peacefulness and purity of love – truly a glimpse of the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us.

Psalm 4:8 So many reflections of Heaven. Can you feel the joy of a light breeze or a cold glass of water on a hot summer day? Heavenly! Does the wonder of the wind as it blows through the trees move you to praise? How about the beauty of the first white snow of winter? So many hints of heaven to delight our souls.

WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE? – Noticing Daily Glimpses of Eternity

Heaven must be like these moments – lasting forever, yet always fresh. Ticks of endless time filled with awe, beauty and wonder! Moments filled with peace, love and joy beyond understanding – just because you are there – sharing life with God. Holy, holy, holy – beautiful and amazing creator God. The God who loves us beyond our understanding. The God who shows us glimpses of heaven.

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