God is STEADY – Depend on God – Daily Devotional

I know a couple who could be described as having a steady, predictable or routine relationship.  They met with a brilliant marriage counselor concerned that their relationship didn’t seem to be as exciting or as risky as others.

The marriage counselor told a story about a drug addict who had told him, “You don’t have any idea what it is like to be high – do you?!”  Before the counselor could respond, the drug addict bragged, “I’ll bet you’ve never had sex while being stoned – so you have never been as high as me and you never will be!”

The counselor said, “Your right.  I’ve never been that high and never will be” as he raised his hand as high as it would go.  Then he lowered his hand to the ground and continued, “But I’ve also never been as low as you are for much of your life.”

As the drug addict looked on, the counselor brought his hand to just above his head and said, “I spend the majority of my life hovering somewhere up here with very little fluctuation” as he gently tilted his hand.   “Which of us would you like to be?”

Indeed, which would you like to be is a good question for all of us.  Many people today seem bent on chasing after all kinds of highs. . . Highs from popularity, success, busy-ness, accomplishments. . . But when these temporary victories subside, they are left to suffer with terrible lows.  Their life looks like a yo-yo of emotions – almost like “a chasing after the wind.” Ecclesiastes 2:11 NIV

And this is where the unchanging, never-ending beauty of God comes in.  You see God is steady!  He’s reliable.  God even says of himself, “For I the Lord do not change.”  Malachi 3:6 ESV. God is someone we can always count on – someone who is with us always.  The book of Hebrews says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 ESV

Is there any wonder that old Christians and new can both be filled with awe for Christ?  Jesus healed people’s bodies, hearts and minds two thousand years ago and he still does it today.  Could there be any wonder that we can sing God’s praise and want more of him?

Reliable, steady, wonderful and awesome God – all at the same time.  We may raise our hands when life hands us the high of victories, but praising God is truly as high as life can get.  What a fantastic place – with God – to live and experience life.

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