How Do We Put God FIRST in Our Lives?

How do we put God first in our lives?  In everything we do?  How do we put God first no matter the day and no matter what comes our way?

We have so many things to do in our modern world.  So many opportunities, distractions and things vying for our attention.  From work, to kids, to keeping the house clean, to our favorite hobbies, our friends and family – how do we juggle it all and still find time to put God first?

Perhaps a brief story might help us see our situation from a new perspective.  When my son, Michael, spun the lever on the Jack-In-The-Box for the first time in his life, Jack popped out and Michael squealed with delight, “Do it again!  Again!  Again!”  In the same way, most little children like it when we read the same story book to them, over and over again.  We suggest a different book, but they say, “Again, again!”

Isn’t that how adults are too!  We enjoy eating the same food, we have our favorite TV shows and we like our routines.  We like doing things the way we are used to.   Whether we recognize it or not, we are just like our kids saying, “Again, again!”

Day by day, we jump from one predictable box to the next.  First the morning routine box, then the work box followed by the family box and if we have anything left at the end of the day, we fall into our TV box.

One of my favorite box stories is when Jesus visited Martha and Mary’s house.  While Mary sat and listened at Jesus’ feet, Martha rushed around to clean her box (I mean her house) and prepare dinner.   You can almost feel Martha’s exasperation over the work that needed to be done as she moaned, “Lord, tell Mary to help me.”

I don’t know about you, but I totally understand Martha’s frustration.  When guests come over, we like our box cleaned too.   Even more to the point, we expect our kids to empty the dishwasher box, vacuum and literally put things into their proper box.  Furthermore, when I’m working hard and someone isn’t lifting their side of that box, I get annoyed.

And that’s when Jesus gets my attention.  He responds by saying, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things…  and Mary has chosen what is better” (Luke 10:40).  It sure seems like I’ve spent a lot of my life just like Martha – getting this job done, and that job done while focusing on which box is next.  Martha, Martha. . . Again, again!

Today, lets ask ourselves:  How often do I truly put Jesus first in my life?  Do I run and chase after getting things done, or do I spend time resting all alone with God?  What if we could tweak our morning routine just a tiny bit, perhaps wake up 15 minutes earlier, so we could sit and rest with Jesus?

When we spend even a little time with Jesus, putting God first, it will light up the rest of our day.  It will give us perspective, make us smarter and more relaxed.  After you do this for a month, you’ll form a new habit and fall in love with it.   There is no doubt that you’ll find it to be your favorite time of the day, and you’ll say, “Again, again!”  Jesus can’t wait to see you there.

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