So many people are afraid of being alone.  This fear is one of Satan’s favorite ways to beat us up and it often causes people to do just about anything to accepted as part of the crowd.  But God not only tells us “Fear not” he also tells us “Fear not for I am with you!” (Isaiah 41:10) This video will give you 4 easy, practical and faith-focused steps to squash fear of being alone!

HOW TO BEAT MY FEAR OF BEING ALONEWe can go a long way toward defeating this problem if we understand it better.  To do so, let’s look at a true story about Lexi, who at first blush, seems like one of the friendliest people on the planet.  When you meet Lexi, you’ll immediately notice how she will laugh at your jokes and make you feel like you are a professional comedian.   If you talk religion, you’ll soon consider running for Pope because everything you say will be met with a smile of approval.  Whether your opinion is pro-life or pro-choice Lexi will make you feel like she agrees with you because she is a chameleon.

Lexi’s fear of being alone, has turned her into what l call an “Everybody.”   An “Everybody” does and thinks what everybody else does and thinks.  Unfortunately, Lexi’s motivation comes from a deep-rooted fear that someone might discover who she “really is” and they won’t like her.   If she truly had an opinion, she would open herself up to the possibility that you may disagree with her, and it’s a risk she is not willing to take.  Being an “Everybody” is mostly based on her fear of being left out.

For example, millions of “Everybody’s” watch the Super Bowl, simply so they can be included in the water-cooler conversations on Monday.   These “Everybody’s” don’t really care about football and could have spent that time doing something they truly enjoyed, but they are desperately trying to fit in, and feel accepted.

Now that we see the problem a little clearer, lets look at 4 steps to overcome this forever.

Step one is to recognize and write down the problem

  1. The more specific you can be in writing down the problem, the more freedom you’ll have. Now the problem is no longer confined to your head!!  And best of all, now that this problem is on a sheet of paper, you can crumple it up, or you can clarify it, and even write some solutions.

HOW TO BEAT MY FEAR OF BEING ALONEStep 2 is to write a list of all the things that you truly enjoy doing

  1. Include everything from watching ants to reading outer-space books
  2. Do you like video games – great – write down your favorites. Do you like baking – write it down.  Maybe you like taking pictures – write it all down – everything you like!
  3. The point is to rediscover and know your interests

Step 3 is to make a list of what you, and others, like about you!

  1. Include every detail from your smile, to your hair-line, to the way you sing
  2. Write down all your accomplishments and achievements
  3. The point is to rediscover all the wonderful things about yourself

Now we get to the most important step 4.  The Bible says we all have different gifts (~1Peter 4:10) and we are called to use the talents that God has given us (Matthew 25:14-30).  God knows, and we all know, that when we play to our strengths, life is so much easier.  Just think of what your life would look like if you focused on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. The truth is that many people never overcome their weaknesses but could make significant improvements in their lives and the lives of others if they simply focused on what they were already good at.

So the big takeaway is to not change who you are.  Instead, become more of who you were meant to be. This means spending time doing activities you look forward to that give you strength at the same time!   Just imagine your life – where you are living and doing what you do best – and not worrying about craving the crowd’s approval, because we always fit in with God.

Let’s recap these four steps to overcome fear of being alone.

#1 Write down and clarify the exact problem to get it out of your head.

#2 Write a list of what you really enjoy in life.

#3 Write down all the good things about yourself.

#4 Know that God does not want you to change who you are, but wants you to be more of who you were meant to be.  This recipe will give you the freedom to be true to yourself and therefore give you comfort to be able to be by yourself!

Remember God can indeed move mountains, but don’t be surprised if he hands you a shovel.  Because you are here, watching this video means that you are on your way to conquering fear of being alone.

There is no more time to suffer in anger, sadness, unforgiveness, or fear – not even for one more day! If you’re ready to stop listening to Satan’s lies, click the button below, and start living your new life of happiness today.

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