How to Choose Right from Wrong (A Christian’s Perspective)

In today’s complex world with so many opinions and values, how

can we be absolutely sure we are making the right decisions from a Christian perspective, especially considering how some questions are so big?  Should I take this job?  Should I date this person?  This video will help you make the best choices no matter what the question!

It’s been said a smart man learns from his mistakes, but a truly wise man learns from the mistakes of others.  Sometimes making our own right or wrong decisions can be easier to analyze, by looking at how someone else made their decisions.  Let’s start with my friend who actually got married after dating a woman for one week.  Even more surprising, as he introduced me to his microwave ready to marry fiancée, he said, “We are going to write a book called, ‘How to pick the perfect mate.’”  When I asked them, “Do you have any concerns about getting married so quickly?” they both responded, “none at all.”  Then they said in unison, “we already know everything we need to know about each other.”

In a minute, you’ll see what happened, but for now, let’s consider four questions as your foundation for absolutely all of your future choices.  Are you ready with a pen!

  1. Integrity: Does my choice increase or decrease my integrity?  In other words, will my choices be consistent with who I say that I am?   Integrity is like being pregnant – you either are pregnant or you’re not.  When choosing a certain decision, this question asks us, will my choice be true to the person I want to be, and the person I tell others that I am?
  1. Am I cheating if I make a certain choice? In other words, would it be okay if everyone else acted this way, or am I making an exception for myself?  If others knew I acted in a certain way, would they agree that I was playing fair, and in a way I would expect others to play?
  1. What Does Foresight Say: In other words, what might be the future consequences, and would I like my decision to be known or broadcast all over social media?  Often, we don’t know all the consequences of a decision, but it doesn’t hurt to share your question with others, and brainstorm together, what the possible consequences might be.
  1. Is this choice a worthy example? In other words, would I want my children to know how I chose?  Would I want my mom, my co-workers or my boss to know how I chose, and would it be a good example for others?  Along these lines, what would the finest people I know think about this and would Jesus be proud of my decision?

These questions certainly raise the bar in our thinking.  When we honestly ask them and answer them –especially on a sheet of paper – they certainly make us think, instead of acting on emotions or hormones.  My dad used to say there were three ingredients inside any bad decision:  Need, Greed or Speed.  He also used to say that sometimes the best decision in the world is to decide not to decide.

Interestingly, just 10 days after their wedding my friend stopped by – but this time all alone and obviously upset as he moaned, “We are getting divorced because I didn’t know she. . . ” Now it might be interesting for me to tell you what he said about her – but I think it might even be more remarkable for you – if you simply guessed.  “I didn’t know she – WHAT?”  What indeed.

The Bible says, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way you should go.” (Isaiah 30:21).  Dear Jesus, thank you for calling us and wanting the very best for us.  Help us to listen to your voice today!

There is no more time to suffer in anger, sadness, unforgiveness, or fear – not even for one more day! If you’re ready to stop listening to Satan’s lies, click the button below, and start living your new life of happiness today.

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