LITTLE FAITH, BIG GOD – When You Feel Overwhelmed – Daily Devotional

Remember when Peter tried to walk on water with Jesus and after a couple of steps, Peter started to drown.  Jesus immediately reached out his hand, took hold of him and said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Matt 14:31little faith, Big God, Jesus saves Peter from drowning, matthew 14

“Little faith.”

Just a few villages and a few days later the disciples asked Jesus why they were unable to heal a boy with seizures.  Jesus didn’t mince words when he replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.”  Matt 17:20

“Little faith.”

I’ve always been amazed at the many “hero’s of the Bible” who were really people of little faith.   Just consider Abraham who laughed at God’s promise and followed up by impregnating Hagar.  Or Moses telling God to choose someone else because he was slow of speech.  Or Thomas who said he would never believe unless he touched the risen Jesus.

I think if we are honest, most of us are people of little faith.

Funny how easy it seems for us to have big faith in our money, popularity or possessions.  While all of these things are temporary we sure cling to them like they were eternal.

Funnier yet, think of how our God Almighty deliberately chose such little tiny people to proclaim his great big message.   But it is a pure fact of history that God chose the right folks – and his message keeps on spreading!

I’d conclude that it’s better to have little faith in a big God, than a big faith in a little god.

Where do you put your faith?

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