YOU ARE WORTH IT – Jesus Wants to Fix Your Holes and Heal You – Daily Devotional

Suppose that every time you sin it would be like pounding a nail into a wall, and every time you do something good it would be like pulling a nail out of that same wall.  If your life is like mine, your wall would be filled with a few big spike sized holes, lots of regular nail holes and speckled with tons of staple sized nail holes.  Even though my nails got pulled out, my wall would be littered with holes.  A nail goes in.  A nail is pulled out, but the hole remains.

Some of us spend our entire lives trying to fix the holes.  We say, “I’m trying to make up for lost time” or “I’m doing my best” or we volunteer in order to ease our conscience.  But even when we look the other way, we know the holes are still there.

Unkind words that cannot be unsaid – look at that hole.   Anger holes cannot be undone.  Holes of bitterness, jealousy, impurity and selfishness.   Holes are everywhere and our efforts to be good cannot fix those holes.  What are we going to do?   Who will pay the price to fix those holes?

The answer is Jesus.   Only Jesus.  You see God knew we were going to make holes when he created us to have free will.  God knew that we’d fall down, be selfish and do things our own way – the same way that a parent knows – before their baby is even conceived – that their baby will fall down, be selfish and do things their own way.

Yet God had so much love to share, that he decided we were worth the cost.  Like any great parent, God decided that he would pay the price for all the holes we make.  So he sent his one and only son, Jesus, so whoever would believe in him would have all those holes repaired.  Yes he paid the price.  Jesus paid it in full.

That is why the Bible says, “If you confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive your sins.”  1 John 1:9   Notice that it does not say, “If you confess your sins, God is faithful and merciful to forgive your sins.”

But the Bible does not say the word, merciful – it says God is faithful and just.  That’s because it would be unjust for God to charge us twice, because Jesus paid the price in full.  All my holes are gone – through Jesus!

Let’s confess our sins to Jesus and praise him for what he has done for us.  Jesus paid it all, and all to him I owe.   Thank you, Lord.  My holes are gone.  Thank you, Lord Jesus!

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