
  • Psalm 1 – Unleashing the Blessings of God in Your Life!

    Could there be a secret to having more of God’s blessings?  Psalm 1 has the answer and it’s probably not what you might think!  [...]

  • How to Get Through Hard Things in Life (for Christians) – Psalm 3

    Psalm 3 is a raw, brutal, and honest cry to God about fear.  It contains some of the harshest words in the Bible as [...]

  • Be Still and Know That I Am God

    Be still and know that I am God. Yes, be still. Rest your mind and relax your thoughts in me. For I am God [...]

  • FORGIVENESS – God Will Help You Forgive – Daily Devotional

    I want to share a true story about a 16-year-old who got drunk and broke into a farmhouse while the farmer was on vacation. After [...]

  • Strengths and Weaknesses – Using the Gifts God has Given Me – Daily Devotional

    Strengths and weaknesses. We all have them. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to notice our weaknesses? We can spend our lives [...]

  • THANK GOD FOR REAL ANGELS – Daily Devotional

    I never would say that my mom and I lived in a two-bedroom closet, but to say that my high-school bedroom was small would [...]

  • GOD’S MIRACLES – Would you like to see more miracles? – Daily Devotional

    I was 19 years old and 928 miles from home on the day my motorcycle ran into the side of a car in Powell, [...]

  • PRAYING THE NAMES OF GOD – The Power of God’s Name – Daily Devotional

    Praying the names of God. There is so much power in praying the names of God!  And when we pray God’s names, not only [...]

  • GAME OF LIFE – Playing for God’s Team – Daily Devotions

    The game of life.  What’s it really about?  How can we be sure we win this game of life? The very first thing to [...]

  • John 10:10 – Daily Devotional

    Once upon a time – and not too long ago – you and I were little kids!   If you close your eyes you might [...]

  • THE POWER OF GOD’S WORD – Alive In YOU! – Daily Devotional

    There’s Power in God’s Word!  Imagine living with the power of God’s Word, alive in you, empowering you with strength and courage to triumph [...]

  • TRUST THE LORD – Psalm 11 – Daily Devotions

    It sounds so simple, but what about when shootings and lootings are all over the city? What about when viruses, politics, and fake news [...]

  • PSALM 13 – How Long Lord Will You Forget Me?

    Can you feel David’s desperate cry as Psalm 13 starts, “How long, O LORD?  Will You forget me forever?” (Psalm 13:1). There is no [...]

  • Psalm 19 – How to OVERCOME Negative Thoughts!

    No one likes it when their mind spins into a gutter of negative thoughts – the kind that make us afraid, offended, or judgmental.  [...]

  • TRUST IN GOD – Learning from Psalm 20 – Daily Devotions

    Trust in God.  Yes, trust in God.  Have you ever noticed what your pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and every bill in America has in [...]

  • WHAT IS MY PURPOSE – God Can Help You Discover Your Why – Daily Devotional

    What is your purpose?   When you’re feeling down, or life has no meaning – where do you turn?  Where do you find your value?  [...]

  • OFFENSE – How to Overcome Offense and Find Forgiveness – Daily Devotional

    You’ve been offended.  Wronged, insulted, or deliberately snubbed.  You have every right to feel offended and to take offense. Now let’s up the ante.  [...]

  • Psalm 23 Explained – You’ll Never Read It The Same Way Again!

    Psalm 23 is the world’s most popular Psalm and you’ve probably even said these words at a funeral.  “The Lord is my Shepherd, I [...]

  • ASK GOD FOR HELP – How to Make Big Changes in Your Life – Daily Devotional

    If you could make a couple of tiny changes in your life that would make a huge positive difference – would that excite you!! [...]

  • HELP ME SLEEP – God’s Help for Sleep and Insomnia – Daily Devotional

    Who hasn’t struggled with sleep?  Who hasn’t whispered, “God help me to sleep!” or even cried out in desperation, “Please God, Oh God, help [...]

  • GENEROSITY – Who Could Use a Helping Hand? – Daily Devotional

    I know a twelve-year old boy who wants to save all of his hard-earned allowance to buy a $604 lightsaber that looks and sounds [...]

  • LITTLE THINGS MATTER – They Make a Big Difference in Our Lives

    Have you ever pulled a wood-tick off your arm – or maybe even your shirtsleeve just before bed?  That loan tick will cause you [...]

  • DISCOURAGED – End Discouragement and Discover New Life Today

    Do you feel discouraged?  If you’re feeling worn-out, bummed out or just out of gas, and want to feel better today, this video will [...]

  • GOD, WHERE ARE YOU? – Daily Devotions

    Whenever the New Testament quotes something in the Old Testament, it sends out a doubly important signal that it’s time to pay attention! Psalm [...]

  • RIGHT HAND OF GOD – Why I Do Not Need to be Afraid

    When I was a boy, my dad would take me by the hand, look me in the face and call me his right-hand man.  [...]

  • Psalm 23:1 – The Lord is My Shepherd – Daily Devotions

    Psalm 23 is the most popular Psalm of all time.  You’ve probably quoted verse one, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want” [...]

  • SELF-TALK – The Power of Speaking God’s Word Out Loud – Daily Devotional

    Today let’s talk about self-talk.  In the movie, “The Edge,” a giant, man killing bear chased two men through the wilderness to the point [...]

  • WHO IS RESPONSIBLE – Blaming God for Our Mistakes – Daily Devotions

    Who is responsible for the condition of the world today? For all the death and destruction? Who is responsible for the state of our [...]

  • TRUSTING GOD – Do We Trust God in Both Good Times and Bad?

    Desperation.  Who but a desperate person, who but a person with nowhere else to go would cry out to God, “Into your hands, I [...]

  • THE POWER OF GOD’S WORD – How to Deal With Hopelessness

    I was scared, literally worried sick.  The dark side of the world seemed to descend on me with problems that were way out of [...]

  • DEUTERONOMY – One of the Greatest Messages of All Time! – Daily Devotional

    Deuteronomy!  Many people think the 4000-year-old book of Deuteronomy contains one of the greatest sermons of all time!! When Moses wrote this inspired book, [...]

  • LITTLE FAITH, BIG GOD – When You Feel Overwhelmed – Daily Devotional

    Remember when Peter tried to walk on water with Jesus and after a couple of steps, Peter started to drown.  Jesus immediately reached out [...]

  • PRAY TOGETHER – Who Needs Your Prayer Today? – Daily Devotional

    After I fell and broke the C1 in my neck, the doctor told my wife it was a “hangman’s break” from which most people [...]

  • BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS – How to Face Your Fears – Daily Devotional

    Last week, my 12 year-old daughter, Anica, and I set a “new world record” for hitting the ping pong ball back and forth 52 [...]

  • The Good Shepherd: Discovering the Comforting Message of Psalm 23:2

    Imagine a life where you're not just surviving, but truly living in peace and joy. Where your soul finds nourishment. That's the promise found [...]

  • AM I A FAILURE? – Listening to God’s Voice Instead – Daily Devotional

    Suppose you spent all day making a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner that everyone loved.   Young and old devoured the food and complimented your cooking except [...]

  • GROWING IN CHRIST – How to Be a Good and Faithful Servant – Daily Devotional

    The advertisement for a well-paying position had only one prerequisite: “EXPERIENCE REQUIRED.”  A man and a woman – each with ten years of experience [...]

  • HOW TO PLEASE GOD – Finding Joy in God and Others – Daily Devotional

    I vividly remember my one and only time on a rollercoaster when I was a kid.  While everyone else was screaming for more, I [...]

  • JESUS IS LIVING WATER – What are You Thirsty For? – Daily Devotions

    Jesus is living water.  His living water satisfies the deepest part of us when nothing else can.  Living water!  Wouldn’t it be great to [...]

  • WHAT IS THE TRUTH – Jesus said, “I am the Truth” – Daily Devotional

    We live in a complex world with lots of competing views.  Last week I met a guy who told me there were many roads [...]

  • ONE LITTLE THING – The Power of Being Thankful – Daily Devotionals

    Imagine two NFL quarterbacks.  One has a pass completion percentage of 65% and one averages 66% - just one tiny percent more.  If you [...]

  • DO UNTO OTHERS – We Are All On The Same Boat – Daily Devotionals

    I stood in line with 100 unsuspecting tourists waiting to board an oversized floating bathtub.  After an eternal hour of pitching up and down [...]

  • Psalm 23:3 – He Restores My Soul – Daily Devotionals

    Psalm 23:3 is a powerful and comforting verse that speaks to the human experience in a profound way. It tells us that God, our [...]

  • WE NEED DAILY PRAYER – God says, Spend Time With Me – Daily Devotionals

    Albert Einstein said time is an illusion!  But if that’s true, why did the old man spend his whole life earning money, but then [...]

  • GOD COVERS US – God Covers You With Amazing Grace – Daily Devotionals

    Little Tyler lightninged into the room, hard, fast and hands flying – picture the grace of a tornado.  Before the 3-year-old’s explosive flash even [...]

  • LISTEN TO ME – People Want to be Heard – Daily Devotions

    Listen to me! Sometimes I just want to scream it! Why won’t you just listen to me?!  Don’t you hate feeling unheard? Feeling unheard [...]

  • POSITIVE THOUGHTS – How to Start Your Day God’s Way – Daily Devotional

    What if there was an easy secret to having more positive thoughts throughout every day?   Would that rock your world!?  Let’s start with a [...]

  • I FEEL LOST – The Lord is My Shepherd – Daily Devotional

    I think I’ve seen the movie “Babe” – the story about a pig a dozen times and I love the line where the sheep [...]

  • How to Focus on God, and NOT Our Problems!

    We all have problems in life.  When problems, sickness and worries come our way, what can we do?  Where should we go? Our complex [...]

  • WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE? – Noticing Daily Glimpses of Eternity

    What is heaven like?  Have you ever wondered or worried about heaven – or had a fear of the unknown, or wondered what happens [...]

  • JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD – Jesus Can End Your Darkness – Daily Devotional

    Jesus is the light of the world!  There is incredible power inside the words, “Jesus is the light of the world.”  This light is [...]

  • LIFE’S CHALLENGES – How to Handle the Storms of Life – Daily Devotional

    When storms come into your life, when you have real troubles like sickness, job loss or death, how do you handle them? Jesus gave [...]

  • JESUS IS THE TRUTH – What Truth Do You Believe? – Daily Devotional

    I heard a story about a guy who insisted he was dead.   He was dead – dead serious, so his family did an intervention [...]

  • CALL TO ME – A Direct Line to God – Daily Devotions

    Call to me. Can you imagine having a friend say, “When you feel alone, call me and I will be with you. When you [...]

  • JESUS IS THE ANSWER – He Overcame All the Madness in the World – Daily Devotional

    Wikipedia says the song, “I Won’t Last A Day Without You” became a hit single for the Carpenters in 1974, reaching number one on [...]

  • Psalm 23:4 – For You Are With Me – Daily Devotionals

    Imagine finding comfort in the midst of life's most challenging moments.  When darkness surrounds you, shadows lurk, and fear threatens to consume your heart, [...]

  • SEEK GOD – Understanding the Secrets of Heaven – Daily Devotions

    Seek God.  Seek is a powerful action word!   It means we are searching, actively looking, and wanting. We’ve all searched, sometimes anxiously, for misplaced [...]

  • GREATNESS – The Difference Between Good and Great – Daily Devotional

    Imagine the excitement of changing one little thing in your life – that could rock your world in a great big way. . .  [...]

  • CINDERELLA STORIES – Jesus is the Ultimate Cinderella Story – Daily Devotional

    Everyone loves a great Cinderella story!  We cheer, whistle and clap when the underdog wins, or see the little guy beat the big guy, [...]

  • GENTLENESS – Letting God Touch You With His Gentleness – Daily Devotional

    Gentleness.   When you think of gentleness, do the words peacefulness, love and tenderness come to mind?  Gentleness is a fruit of God’s Spirit, that [...]

  • GOD’S WORD – Making His Word Come Alive in You! – Daily Devotionals

    Did you hear the story about the farmer who accidentally dropped a five-dollar bill into the outhouse hole?  He raced into his house screaming [...]

  • GOODNESS OF GOD – God is Both Great and Good – Daily Devotional

    The goodness of God. Have you ever stopped to think about what makes God not only great, but also good? His greatness is undeniable [...]

  • KINDNESS – Finding More of God’s Kindness In Your World – Daily Devotions

    Kindness. All of us need more kindness. Would you like to find more of God’s kindness in your world?  Perhaps there really is an [...]

  • GOD ANSWERS – Knocking on God’s Door – Daily Devotional

    No matter how busy I am. . .   No matter where I am or who I’m with. . .  My kids can always ask [...]

  • CINDERELLA STORIES – Why Your Child is Cinderella! – Daily Devotional

    Cinderella stories!  We celebrate Cinderella stories because they are so relatable.  After all, we’ve all been the under-dog and every one of us has [...]

  • THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS – Could Your Life Ever be the Same – Daily Devotions

    The resurrection of Jesus. When did you first hear about the resurrection of Jesus? How did you feel? Did it change you or your [...]

  • NEBUCHADNEZZAR – Ruler of the World Humbled by God – Daily Devotional

    Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great are universally known as world changers.  But who would suspect that the ancient King of Babylon, [...]

  • Psalm 23:5 – My Cup Overflows – Daily Devotionals

    Psalm 23:5 is not just a beautiful passage, but a personal invitation from God to experience his abundant provision and care.  Verse five says, [...]

  • WHAT ARE YOUR PRIORITIES? – Where Do You Spend Your Time – Daily Devotional

    I used to love a good hockey game.  I grew up as a rink rat who ate, breathed and slept hockey.  When my brothers [...]

  • ABUNDANT LIFE – Believing Truth Instead of Lies – Daily Devotional

    Imagine your life balanced in the middle of a teeter-totter where you lean to the right for heaven but lean to the left for [...]

  • DRAW NEAR TO GOD – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    In 1557 the Geneva Bible became the first Bible to be translated into English.  Now everyday people could finally read the word of God!   [...]

  • THE WORD OF GOD – Where Can You Flee When Trouble Comes – Daily Devotional

    I’ll never forget the day I poured a gallon of gasoline onto a giant pile of wet wood, just to help me start a [...]

  • Watch THIS if you feel like a hypocrite…

    Hypocrite.  Do you know a hypocrite, someone who says one thing but does another?  They act like a fraud or a phony and no [...]

  • GOD IS WORKING – He’s Putting Us Together Piece by Piece – Daily Devotional

    Jig-saw puzzles.  Some people think life is like a jig-saw puzzle because you start with the easy stuff – like kindergarten or the border [...]

  • CHOOSING JOY – Giving God Every Situation – Daily Devotional

    You’ve been cleaning all day but your floor is still a mess so whip out your brand new vacuum cleaner, but it doesn’t even [...]

  • PRAISE THE LORD, OH MY SOUL! – Giving God Our EVERYTHING – Daily Devotional

    If you ever want to witness an explosion, watch what happens when a hockey puck hits the net.  Arms erupt into the sky as [...]

  • LIFE IS SHORT – Finding God’s Peace in All Circumstances – Daily Devotional

    Life is short.  Our lives have so little time and our journey is brief.  Because life is so short, we can’t afford to waste [...]

  • GOD IS CALLING – How to Resist Temptation – Daily Devotional

    God is calling.   Yes – God is calling you and I to flee to him.  To run into his presence.  Not only to dwell [...]

  • Jesus Prayed With a Heart FULL of PASSION For You on Good Friday!

    Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus pray harder than the Garden of Gethsemane, yet as he was crucified, his prayers seem like they were [...]

  • FAITH CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS!!! ?? – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    How is that all children (and many adults) can so easily proclaim: “Are we there yet? Are we there yet” as if they were [...]

  • Psalm 23:6 – God’s Goodness and Mercy – Daily Devotionals

    Psalm 23:6 is profound declaration of God's love and care for each of us.  I promise, when you really know what the words of [...]

  • PRAISE GOD – Being Thankful to God – Daily Devotional

    My dog is so doggone thankful.  She wags her tail when I say hello.  She wags her tail when I feed her.  She wags [...]

  • Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God – Daily Devotional

    Heat seeking missiles work by tracking the hot infrared emissions of a jet engine.  Some of these heat seekers can be launched at Mach [...]

  • WHEN TIMES ARE TOUGH – God is on Your Team – Daily Devotional

    What do you do when times are tough?  When you’re down, scared or overwhelmed?  How do you shake heaviness, despair or depression off you?  [...]

  • A LITTLE BIT OF SIN – How to be Free! – Daily Devotional

    I heard a story about a strict family who only watched G-rated movies.   When the mom went out of town, their 11-year-old boy begged [...]

  • PUT GOD FIRST – God is Jealous for ALL Our Hearts – Daily Devotional

    We live in a complex world with many conflicting moral views. . .  So I wonder if you’d be surprised by the 2018 Gallup [...]

  • JESUS SAVE ME – I am Drowning in Fear – Daily Devotional

    Jesus Save Me.   Yes, Jesus save me.  From worry.  From debt.  From disappointment. From sickness.   Jesus save me from so many things trying to [...]

  • WORKING FOR GOD – Changing Our Perspective on Work – Daily Devotional

    Working for God.  If we are honest, our workdays can range from awesome to awful, no matter what we do, even when we are [...]

  • SECRET SINS – Living Free and in God’s Grace – Daily Devotional

    Secret sins. What are “secret sins?”  How do they affect us, and how can we shake ourselves free of them forever?  Let’s start by [...]

  • JESUS IS MY BEST FRIEND – He’s Always There For Us – Daily Devotional

    My college buddy and I tossed frisbees, footballs and baseballs till our arms fell off.  And more than just play, we talked about families, [...]

  • DO NOT BE ANXIOUS – Ask God for Help – Daily Devotional

    The young man was a hero – the only one from his entire county who had ever graduated from college! After the big hometown [...]

  • God is STEADY – Depend on God – Daily Devotional

    I know a couple who could be described as having a steady, predictable or routine relationship.  They met with a brilliant marriage counselor concerned [...]

  • THE POWER OF GOD’S WORD – Find Strength for Life’s Challenges – Daily Devotional

    One airplane flew north while the other soared south.  As we passed way to close for comfort the other pilot and I screamed, “fight’s [...]

  • GOD CHANGED ME – I Want to Share With the World – Daily Devotional

    God changed me. Yes, God changed me, and I want the world to know it! I want everyone to experience the change I have [...]

  • FACING THE IMPOSSIBLE – God Still Does the Impossible – Daily Devotional

    In the movie, “The Edge,” two men were chased through the mountain wilderness by a giant, man-killing bear.  They were exhausted, starving, freezing and [...]

  • YOU ARE WORTH IT – Jesus Wants to Fix Your Holes and Heal You – Daily Devotional

    Suppose that every time you sin it would be like pounding a nail into a wall, and every time you do something good it [...]

  • HOW CAN I BELIEVE IN GOD? – Christian Apologetics – Daily Devotional

    I once heard a man say, “If you just admit that there is no God, than life is so much easier,” to which his [...]

  • HOW TO BE FEARLESS – Have Bold Faith – Daily Devotional

    Everyone knew that my dog, Scooter was a little dog – except Scooter.  Scooter was a runt of a terrier who weighed 8 pounds.  [...]

  • GOD’S POOR MAN – The Poor Man and Rich Man – Daily Devotional

    Have you ever wondered how the people at church really have so little in common?  We churchgoers range from very poor to extremely rich [...]

  • PUT YOUR HOPE IN GOD – Jesus is Calling! – Daily Devotional

    There is something mysterious about hearing owls hoot, hoot, hoot through the night because we so rarely see an owl, so it’s fun to [...]

  • FILLED WITH THE PEACE OF GOD – Stop Feeling Burnout – Daily Devotional

    Have you ever put a hotdog in the microwave for way too long?  Long before the outside burns, the inside shrivels and becomes hard. [...]

  • WHEN WE’RE STUCK – God Wants to Help Us – Daily Devotional

    My mom and I were stuck. . . Trapped on a narrow, rocky, almost invisible path near the top of Sulphur Mountain in Jasper [...]

  • GOD’S WAYS ABOVE OUR WAYS – Daily Devotionals

    Ever hear the story about the pastor who skipped church so he could play golf?  He drove several hours across two state lines, just [...]

  • THE “ART” OF SELF CONTROL – Calling on the Name of Jesus – Daily Devotional

    A woman in a supermarket followed a grandpa and his badly behaved 3-year-old grandson.   The child screamed for candy and caused an uproar in [...]

  • THIS is How You Can Overcome a Porn Addiction with God’s Help!

    My friend was very remorseful when he confessed, “I was tired and it had been a rough day.  To make things worse, my wife [...]

  • DEAR JESUS, PLEASE HELP US – Ask God for Help Today – Daily Devotional

    We were twenty years-old and the girl was gorgeous.  Stunning.  We were all alone in my dorm room, kissing to our hearts content.  This [...]

  • GREATEST in Heaven – Become Like Little Children – Daily Devotional

    The wind raced through a woman’s hair as her convertible sped northward on the winding country roads.  Meanwhile the sun shone on a man’s [...]

  • WHEN WE FIND OURSELVES STUCK – God Wants to Help Us – Daily Devotional

    If penguins lived in Minnesota, they would’ve hunkered down to fight the blinding snow.  But I wasn’t as smart as a penguin, so I [...]

  • WAKE UP EVERY MORNING WITH GOD – Morning Inspiration – Daily Devotional

    Why do some people wake up every morning singing, “Praise God for a new morning!” while others often wake up and groan, “Oh god, [...]


    Have you ever thought about calling someone but decided not to because you thought to yourself: “I don’t want to bother them” “They might [...]

  • He Wanted to See JESUS! – Daily Devotional

    When’s the last time you saw an adult lick their plate at a restaurant?  Probably never!  We don’t do it because it is undignified [...]

  • HOW TO SHOW OUR KIDS LOVE – Parenting With God’s Help – Daily Devotional

    There are few things more frightening than secretly witnessing a violent event.  Once when my kids were little, my family went to a secluded [...]

  • SMARTPHONES – Daily Devotional

    What gadgets do you love the most?  Would your garage door opener, television remote, microwave or computer make the list?  Or how about heating, [...]

  • SELFISH PRAYERS – We’ve ALL Been There – Daily Devotional

    Every morning, the smell of scrambled eggs wakes up my little 8 pound dog, Angel, who runs jumps up and down next to me [...]

  • GOD Has Faith in YOU – NEVER Lose Faith – Daily Devotional

    When I was 26 years old, I taught world literature and English in a high-school in Mombassa, Kenya.   Although I never went hungry, my [...]

  • WEATHERING THE STORMS OF LIFE – Jesus is Our Safe Place! – Daily Devotional

    The sunny sky above contrasted the dark storm clouds that blotted out all light in the distant horizon.  The unaware boy scouts were two [...]

  • HELPING BOYS BECOME MEN – Daily Devotional

    My husband, Wallie, is a college football coach who loves every nuance of the sport.   He probably forgot more about football than most fans [...]

  • How To Be FREE of Temptation! – Run to God – Daily Devotional

    The wind-sock pointed up the steep hill like an arrow as my friend, Tristan, raced downward toward the cliffs.  Soon the wind lifted my [...]

  • DEALING WITH OFFENSE – How to Not be Offended – Daily Devotional

    The last time you were wronged by someone, did you hear a consistently LOUD voice remind you?  Did the voice say something like, “You’ve [...]

  • DID JESUS CLAIM TO BE GOD? – What is the Truth? – Daily Devotional

    I like a good, honest and open-minded debate but for the life of me, I cannot hardly understand why God gave me only one [...]

  • JESUS, HELP US – Daily Devotional

    Almost every success coach in the world will agree that the most important ingredients to success are:  You have desire and be willing to [...]

  • CHOOSING GOD – Ending The Domino Effect In Your Family – Daily Devotional

    The domino effect is a series of related events occurring as a direct result of one initial event.  Some people call it a chain [...]

  • HOW TO HAVE VICTORY – God is Our Ultimate Victory – Daily Devotional

    Life was good for Charlie, his wife, their 7 and 10-year-old kids and their dog as they hiked through the tall lodgepole pines in [...]

  • GOD’S LOVE ENDURES – What Do We Value About God? – Daily Devotional

    Many of our values seem to be measured by accomplishments, money and success.  How big is our house?  What did that car cost?  How [...]

  • HEARTS READY FOR GOD – Daily Devotional

    Everyone loves to discover a secret!   I remember the first time my one-year old son and I played catch with “the invisible ball.”  As [...]

  • UPS AND DOWNS OF LIFE – Thriving in Tough Times – Daily Devotional

    Have you ever struggled with the ups and downs of life?  Yes – the ups and downs can be like a roller-coaster.  One day [...]

  • Jesus’ 3 SECRETS to Success! Parable of the Talents Explained (Matthew 25)

    FREE Gifts to Be Successful Jesus was so concerned that we would live successful and [...]

  • WHAT MAKES ME UNIQUE – You Are Special To God – Daily Devotional

    What makes me unique?  What do you believe makes you unique? I watched some little boys play soccer at a birthday party, where the [...]

  • WHAT’S YOUR IDENTITY? – You Are God’s Child – Daily Devotions

    The track coach watched in awe as a kid named Butch raced across the quad toward his girlfriend.  It took several attempts before Butch [...]

  • WHAT DOES GOD THINK OF ME? – Am I a Success or a Failure? – Daily Devotions

    What does God think of me?  Am I a success or a failure? Is God proud of me or disappointed? The world has so [...]

  • GOD HOLDS THE CONTROLS – How to Trust God! – Daily Devotional

    The younger boy screamed, “It’s my turn!” as he tried to yank the video control out of the hands of an older boy who [...]

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Jesus Is Our Risen Lord – Daily Devotions

    Would you EVER consider being tortured to protect a lie?  How about this – would you be willing to let someone kill you – [...]

  • ONE THING – What One Thing Can You Do Today! – Daily Devotions

    If you could be any person in history, who would you be? George Bernard Shaw gave a brilliant and truthful answer when he said, [...]

  • WHAT AN INTRODUCTION! – Meet the God of Mercy – Daily Devotions

    We love making splashy introductions. . . At a recent convention, I saw a master of ceremonies spend five minutes gushing on about the [...]

  • DO YOU PUT GOD IN CHARGE? – Daily Devotional

    My brother, his wife and their four little kids were quickly unloading their luggage curbside at the airport.  Bulky bags, backpacks and bustling people [...]

  • ONE DROP AT A TIME – Growing With God – Daily Devotions

    Remember how your high-school science teacher had a glass beaker filled with pure water and after dropping one drop of black dye into it, [...]


    How do you react when texters or inconsiderate drivers enter your life or your lane of traffic? I used to be an excitable driver [...]

  • Discover Two of God’s Secrets to True Happiness

    (They're Not What You Think!) There is no doubt that God wants you to be happy! Jesus even said, “I’ve come so you can [...]

  • Discover Lasting Happiness and Contentment

    Unveiling God's Secret Have you ever caught yourself wanting more? More money, a perfect partner, a flawless appearance, or a bigger title? We often [...]

  • Breaking the Chains of Guilt and Shame – A Christian’s Journey to Freedom

    Guilt is so heavy. The weight of shame and regret can make us feel so unworthy to be loved, that we hide from others and [...]

  • Unlock Your Destiny

    Embracing God's Purpose For Your Life If you want to unlock your destiny and embrace God’s purpose for your life, this video will help [...]


    So many people are afraid of being alone.  This fear is one of Satan’s favorite ways to beat us up and it often causes [...]

  • How to STOP SIN in Your Life

    Jesus said, “If you knew when the thief was coming, you’d lock the doors!”  The thief we are talking about today is sin.  So, [...]

  • Embrace Your True Worth in Jesus

    Experience His Unconditional Love Are you ready to discover the incredible truth about your worth and value? In a world that often makes us [...]

  • BE ONE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS – Daily Devotional

    Imagine walking all alone, through the woods, at night.  Instinctively, your arms move slightly forward in case you trip, and ears replace your squinting [...]

  • HOW TO PREDICT THE FUTURE – Jesus Says, “Guard Your Heart” – Daily Devotional

    Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you moved to a new town? I went to a relatively small high school [...]

  • ARE YOU ON TIME OR LATE? – On Time For God – Daily Devotions

    What would do if your friend was always late – always, always late? Our trip had been planned for a year.  We had three [...]

  • GOD KNOWS OUR FEARS – Getting Courage From Jesus – Daily Devotions

    I went to a college basketball game and watched the players play their hearts out.  Everyone pushed themselves up and down the court except [...]

  • WASH EACH OTHER’S FEET – Jesus Calls Us All – Daily Devotional

    My friend slammed my slam right back at me, so I undercut the ping-pong ball with all the spin I could muster.  He responded [...]

  • CONSIDER IT PURE JOY! – Daily Devotions

    How do you handle your anger when someone has purposefully wronged you?  Let’s look at three options the world likes to give: Option 1:  [...]

  • IF ONLY I HAD A MULE – Daily Devotional

    I have to admit that I’m a striver.  All my life I’ve worked hard with the future in mind.  My motto has been, “Back [...]

  • DON’T TAKE MY NAME IN VAIN – Daily Devotions

    We live in an age of video game mesmerization.   It’s rumored that many kids 8 and older need to be called to dinner one [...]

  • WEEDS AND SEEDS – All Alone With God – Daily Devotions

    The Minnesota ground is frozen at least two feet below the surface, so it’s a safe time to talk about my vegetable garden. Last [...]

  • DEAR JESUS, THANK YOU! – Daily Devotionals

    I watched as two men walked away from each other.  One man sheepishly waved goodbye and said, “We should get together sometime” while the [...]

  • BEING LOST – Let Jesus Re-route You – Daily Devotions

    There was only one way to totally describe me. . . I was lost. Reluctantly, I put away my directional-know-it-all-ism and pulled out the [...]

  • HOW ARE YOU SMART! – Using Your God Given Talents – Daily Devotional

    How are you smart?   Babe Ruth was smart with a baseball bat, and Einstein was smart with math.   I met an old woman was [...]


    Did you know that God rejoices over you with singing!  Yes he does!  God thinks you are so amazing and wonderful that he rejoices [...]

  • Psalm 27 Explained: A Call to Boldness and Fearless Trust in God

    Psalm 27 is a bold and daring declaration of power and strength. It's not a meek or timid prayer, but rather a fierce and [...]

  • FILL YOUR MIND WITH GOD – Daily Devotional

    Many of our choices have predictable outcomes.  For example:  You are walking past the fresh smell of pastries at the grocery store and they [...]

  • ANSWERED PRAYERS – When God Answers Our Prayers – Daily Devotions

    Answered Prayers! Have you ever wondered why God answers some prayers, but doesn’t seem to answer others? Perhaps you’ve struggled, trying to understand when or how [...]

  • How to Find PEACE 🕊️ in Our CRAZY World 😬

    Finding peace. Where in the world can peace be found?  Especially today, when there is so much worry and fear.  Social distancing.  Business closings. [...]

  • How to WIN the Fight Inside Your Head – JESUS’ ✝️ SECRET WEAPON

    Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed, when a flood of emotions engulfs you or you want to explode?  We've all been there, but here's [...]

  • HOW TO OVERCOME DISCOURAGEMENT & Find Strength in God ✝️

    What do you do when you feel overwhelmed, scared, or weighed down by challenges in life?   With our constant flow of negative news and [...]

  • HOW TO CONQUER WORRY & FEAR: Unlocking God’s Divine Power⚡️ for Peace & Courage

    There is no doubt Jesus does not want us to worry.  But the problem is, we worry anyway.  We’ve all heard Jesus’ story about [...]

  • Psalm 43 – How to Handle Tough Times in Life

    What do you do, where do you go, and whom do you turn to when you feel attacked, betrayed, or you are just overwhelmed?   [...]

  • GOD’S WONDERS – Psalm 65 Praises to God – Daily Devotionals

    Have you ever thought about how we literally stand right inside God’s wonders?  We are so blessed to be able to see God’s wonders [...]

  • This EASY Habit Will Take Your Relationship With God to the NEXT LEVEL!

    Do you find yourself longing for a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Jesus?  If so, this video will remind you of a simple, and [...]

  • How to Live by Faith (Even When You’re Persecuted)

    Sometimes living by faith can be hard, seem unfair, and feel uncertain.  I know a young lady, a college freshman from another country, who [...]

  • Can a Person Be Perfect? – A Christian’s Perspective

    I am not perfect. Nobody is!  I think human perfection is an illusion, and it certainly is tough to live up to some pretend [...]

  • Psalm 85 – A Prayer for God’s REVIVAL

    Psalm 85 is a prayer that asks God for a revival.  Imagine if our nation had a revival for God!  Let’s see how we [...]

  • Psalm 86 shows us How to Find Peace When Life is Out of Control

    When our lives feel out of control, or we are surrounded by problems, we will resonate with Psalm 86. Many of us will never [...]

  • PSALM 87 – Pointing to the New Jerusalem!

    Imagine visiting someplace so steeped in faith and history that it made you cry.  This is an ancient picture of Jerusalem from 3000 years [...]

  • Why So Many Christians Feel Like They are NOT GOOD ENOUGH

    Are you tired of feeling like you're not good enough?  Where you feel like you're not measuring up, so negative thoughts creep into your [...]

  • Psalm 90 Explained – “A thousand years in your sight are like a single day”

    Psalm 90 has one of the most quoted verses in the Bible, “A thousand years in your sight are like a single day” (Psalm [...]

  • How Do We Put God FIRST in Our Lives?

    How do we put God first in our lives?  In everything we do?  How do we put God first no matter the day and [...]

  • How to Choose Right from Wrong (A Christian’s Perspective)

    In today’s complex world with so many opinions and values, how can we be absolutely sure we are making the right decisions from a [...]

  • What Does Praying for Others Do?

    Have you wondered about praying for others?  What are the real benefits for both them and us?  Let’s look at the power of prayer [...]

  • PSALM 91 – God’s Protection for You! – Daily Devotional

    Psalm 91 is a beautiful love song of God’s protection.  In today’s world of so many troubles and worries, Psalm 91 is a place [...]

  • PSALM 91 – Living in God’s Shadow – Daily Devotional

    I’m a city boy and two years ago I became a first time “Daddy” to a dozen incubated, mail-order baby chickens.  They arrived huddled [...]

  • PSALM 92 – How to Wake Up With a Smile

    Why do some people wake up singing, “Praise God for a new morning!” while others groan, “Oh god, its morning?”  Psalm 92 will show [...]

  • How to Respond When a Pastor Has a Moral Failure

    In our modern world with instant news, we are quick to hear stories about pastors and priests who have fallen from grace.  These church [...]

  • THIS is What Sin Does to Our Hearts (Psalm 95 and Hebrews 3)

    “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts” (Psalm 95 and Hebrews 3). We are always extra smart when we pay close [...]

  • Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering in Our Lives?

    What is the meaning of suffering and why does God allow it?  It’s natural to ask these questions when we’re suffering from pain, loneliness, [...]

  • EASILY OFFENDED – Choosing God’s Kindness Instead of Offense – Daily Devotions

    Why is it so hard to forgive and so easy to be offended?   When someone has deeply offended us, it is easy to play [...]

  • How to Change My Life Forever

    Today I want to share one little idea that is so powerful and amazing that it will rock your world and change your life [...]

  • GOD’S PERSPECTIVE – Seeing Life In A Whole New Way – Daily Devotionals

    I have to imagine that God’s perspective – his way of seeing things, is quite a bit different than our perspective on life. After [...]

  • PRAISES GOD – Daily Devotional

    I have some small, feathered creatures that scratch the ground, eat bugs and lay eggs right inside my chicken shed! They sure look and [...]

  • GOD’S WAY – Following God When It Doesn’t Make Sense – Daily Devotions

    Do you know what God’s way is? Sometimes it can seem like God’s way makes no sense. You think you have it figured out, [...]

  • JESUS HEALS – Jesus Wants to Both Heal and Help You – Daily Devotions

    Jesus Heals! Isn’t he incredible? Jesus healed people who were blind, paralyzed, had leprosy, and people possessed by demons! Yes, Jesus Heals!   Do [...]

  • MORE ABUNDANCE! – Daily Devotional

    I saw a car drift all the way over the center line into the oncoming traffic lane.  Suddenly, he jerked his car so hard [...]

  • LOST AND FOUND – Jesus Helps Us Find Our Way – Daily Devotional

    Jesus talks a lot about being lost and found and for good reason! Imagine the terror of losing a child in a big store, [...]

  • NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD – Amazing Grace – Daily Devotions

    Nothing is impossible with God. My dear friends. . . hear it again: Absolutely nothing is impossible with God! Do you ever feel like [...]

  • PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD – Facing Your Storms In Life – Daily Devotions

    What is more priceless than a personal relationship with God!   Having a personal relationship with God means having a faithful friend who is [...]

  • MIRACLE OR LUCK? – Daily Devotional

    I broke my neck a year ago. I slipped and fell while loading a cement grinder onto my pickup truck. My head hit the [...]

  • THANK YOU, GOD – For Never Giving Up on Me – Daily Devotions

    Do you remember the last time you cried out, “Thank you!” to our amazing God? Thank you for finding me when I was lost. [...]

  • UNFORGIVENESS – Wanting God To Punish Others – Daily Devotional

    Unforgiveness is the opposite of forgiving.  It’s holding onto an offense and never letting go.  Unforgiveness has been an overwhelming and universal problem that [...]

  • GUILT – How to Overcome Guilt and Shame – Daily Devotional

    Can you feel the heaviness behind the word, guilt?  Guilt can be such a paralyzing and overwhelming feeling.  Guilt can make us feel remorse, [...]

  • MARTHA AND MARY – It’s Our Choice of Work or Worship! – Daily Devotional

    Martha and Mary were two of Jesus very best friends.  They were sisters and their brother was Lazarus – the man Jesus raised from [...]

  • GOD’S WISDOM – More Precious than Gold – Daily Devotions

    Oh, the precious and vast wisdom of God! Can we even begin to imagine such knowledge and understanding? How do we get more of [...]

  • LET GOD SPEAK TO YOU! – Daily Devotional

    My friend exclaimed, “We were driving highway speeds when an old man took a left turn right in front of me.  I rammed my [...]

  • Should I Go To Church Or Not? – Daily Devotions

    Have you ever wondered if going to church is actually important or if God even cares? After all, there are definitely mornings I don’t [...]

  • LOVE HUGS – Experiencing God’s Embrace – Daily Devotions

    Aren’t love hugs the best? Love Hugs! At least that’s what my kids call them. You know the hugs I’m talking about, right? They’re [...]

  • PATH OF LIFE – Following The Path of God’s Wisdom – Daily Devotions

    What is the path of life and how do we find it?  Furthermore, why does the Bible call it the “path of life” and [...]

  • LIFE’S STORMS – Focusing on Jesus Through Life’s Storms – Daily Devotions

     You know what I’m talking about.  Not pelting rain or driving wind, but instead, real life storms like broken relationships, sickness, financial hardship or [...]

  • RELAX AND PRAY – Daily Devotional

    The giant red and white kite soared high against the deep blue sky.  With a tail half the length of a football field, the [...]

  • CRY OUT TO GOD – Finding Hope in the Psalms – Daily Devotions

    Cry out to God. When you feel afraid, you can cry out to God. When someone hurts you, you can cry out to God. [...]

  • MY IDENTITY – Who am I in Christ – Daily Devotions

    Who am I? What makes me. . . me? How do I get my identity?  In our complicated world, who gets to define who [...]

  • READING THE BIBLE – And Falling in Love with It – Daily Devotions

    Your first time reading the Bible can be a daunting task.  There must be millions of opinions on how to read the Bible. We’re [...]

  • QUOTE SCRIPTURE OUT LOUD – Win The Fight Against Temptation – Daily Devotional

    Choices, choices.  What choice would you make when a blood-sucking mosquito buzzes near your ear like a chainsaw before landing on your arm?  Do [...]

  • I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH – Saved by God’s Grace Alone – Daily Devotions

    I’m not good enough. Do you ever feel this way?  I know I have.  There are so many times when I try and try, [...]

  • BETRAYAL Can Be The Worst Of Hurts – Daily Devotions

    The couple had given their nephew free housing.  They had bought him a reliable used car, paid off his bills and fed him innumerable [...]

  • JESUS CALMS THE STORM– Finding Jesus In Life’s Storms – Daily Devotions

    Jesus calms the storm.  He calmed a storm on the sea of Galilee and Jesus can calm your storms too.  Let’s begin our trek [...]

  • DISCIPLINE – Faith and Focus to Win In Life! – Daily Devotional

    Discipline is something that people love to hate, yet sometimes truly love.  Discipline, done wrong, can be negative and hurtful, but done right, discipline [...]

  • BETRAYAL – How To Forgive With God’s Help – Daily Devotionals

    Betrayal is like being stabbed in the back by someone who is hugging you. Feeling betrayed can bring shock, grief, self-doubt, a terrible sense [...]

  • GOD’S FRIEND – God Wants a Personal Relationship with You – Daily Devotions

    Who is God’s friend, and does God even have friends? Is being a “friend of God” reserved for ancient Biblical heroes such as Abraham, [...]

  • SPEND TIME WITH GOD – Daily Devotional

    I know a family who invited a friendly, talented but homeless friend to live with them for free for four months. They bought him [...]

  • WINNING THE FIGHT INSIDE OUR HEAD – The Power of Jesus Name – Daily Devotionals

    Have you ever been all alone, when suddenly you’re venting or yelling out loud? Like stepping on a landmine, some fear or offense builds [...]

  • AUTOMATIC NEGATIVE THOUGHTS – Listening to God’s Truth Instead – Daily Devotions

    Some people call Automatic Negative Thoughts “ANTs” and offer analogies of ruined picnics. But call them what you will, we know automatic negative thoughts [...]

  • THE FACTS – God’s Meaning Inside John’s Gospel – Daily Devotionals

    Are you someone who is interested in just the facts, or would you prefer to understand the meaning behind those facts?  Do you just [...]

  • SPEAK LIFE WITH OUR WORDS – Daily Devotional

    I was 20 years old when I grabbed a rebound off the basketball hoop and turned to run up the court.  The worst player [...]

  • HOW TO STOP YELLING AT YOUR KIDS – God’s Solution Works! – Daily Devotionals

     There are many fantastic parenting books and videos that can help us learn how to stop yelling at our kids.  They include ideas on [...]

  • THY KINGDOM COME – Bringing Heaven To Earth Every Day – Daily Devotions

    When you say the Lord’s Prayer, do you ever wonder about the words, “Thy Kingdom Come” and how this relates heaven to us? I [...]

  • SANTA CLAUS GOD – Daily Devotional

    The dying man refused to pray.  I learned he was mad at God because several years earlier, his wife went through a painful death [...]

  • WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT PRIDE – The Wisdom Of Humility – Daily Devotions

    What does the Bible say about pride? Pride can be a positive personality trait, but it can also be negative, where someone thinks too [...]

  • LEARNING TO LISTEN – God Wants to Keep Us Out of Danger – Daily Devotions

    When we were kids, learning to listen kept us out of danger, like looking both ways before we crossed the street. Yes, we learned [...]

  • BLOOM – God, Sunflower Seeds, Blooming and You – Daily Devotionals

    When you bloom it means you flourish in beauty or excellence. I heard a story about a little sunflower seed who wanted to bloom [...]

  • UNFAIR – Why God? What to do About the Unfairness of Life – Daily Devotionals

    Most of us hate the word “unfair” – especially when we think it applies to us. When my daughter was 9 years old, she [...]

  • HOW TO READ THE BIBLE – The Fun and Easy Way – Daily Devotions

    With so many ideas and opinions on how to read the Bible, it can sure be a daunting task. After all, it’s a great, [...]

  • THE POWER OF GOD – The Outstretched Arm Of God

    The power of God! Who else can create giant galaxies and delicate little flowers? Yes, the power of God! Who else can reign as [...]

  • SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND – God Wants To Be Found – Daily Devotions

    Seek and you shall find. Really? What an offer! Seek and you shall find! When Jesus stated these five incredible words in his famous [...]

  • TRULY PUT JESUS FIRST – Daily Devotional

    I’ll never forget when my son, Michael, spun the lever on the Jack-In-The-Box for the first time in his life.   When Jack popped [...]

  • IMPERFECT PARENTS – God’s Grace When We Need It – Daily Devotionals

    The world is filled with them and all we need to do to find imperfect parents is look in the mirror. Although my kids, [...]

  • JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD – The Light In The Darkness – Daily Devotionals

    Jesus is the light of the world!  There is incredible power inside the words, “Jesus is the light of the world.”  This light is [...]

  • TELLING A LIE – Lying Versus God’s Truth – Which Do You Want? – Daily Devotions

    The man screamed “Liar” so loud, and so unexpectedly, that everyone in the coffee shop jumped. Then he slammed his computer shut and stormed [...]

  • FAITHFULNESS – God’s Faithfulness Reaches To The Skies – Daily Devotions

    What is faithfulness, and what are you faithful to in your life? Perhaps an even bigger question might be, what do you wish you [...]

  • IS THE BIBLE TRUE – How You Can Know The Bible Is Real – Daily Devotions

    Wouldn’t it be great to have a simple and common-sense way to absolutely know that the Bible is true and trustworthy!   Let’s start [...]

  • NEVER SATISFIED – God Can Fill Your Longing

    Sometimes satisfaction feels like we’re trying to hit a moving target, doesn’t it? It changes based on our stage of life, our society, and [...]

  • THE BIBLE’S BEST CINDERELLA STORY – Jesus’s brother James – Daily Devotional

    Last night I found myself silently cheering at a high-school play as Cinderella’s foot slid ever so gracefully into the glass slipper.  Suddenly the [...]

  • WHAT ARE MY STRENGTHS – Embrace Who God Made You to Be – Daily Devotions

    Do you know what your strengths really are?  How often do you think of them, and how often are you thankful for them?   [...]

  • GOD’S LOVE ENDURES FOREVER – Psalm 136 – Daily Devotional

    I used to play high-school hockey with an all-star skater who could zig-zag his way up the ice.  Opponents would try to check him [...]

  • BECOME LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN – Opening Our Hearts With Faith – Daily Devotional

    What did Jesus mean when he told us we needed to become like little children? Little children, of all people! What do we know [...]

  • WOMAN AT THE WELL – How Jesus Transformed Her Life – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    In the Gospel of John, chapter 4, we find an amazing little story about Jesus’ conversation with a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well.  Let’s [...]

  • WE ARE CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    The block of wood was just that and nothing more.  Food for a fire or trash for the garbage truck. It was nothing more [...]

  • WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH – Experience God’s Peace – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    Jesus told the woman at the well, “The hour is here when real worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). [...]

  • FEAR OF FAILURE – Jesus Came to Give us an Abundant Life – Daily Devotions – Little Big Things

    Does fear of failure haunt you? Does Fear of failure keep you from pursuing your dreams? Are you trying to win in life – [...]

  • GUARDIAN ANGELS – God Watches Over You – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    Guardian Angels are real, and the Bible even mentions them one hundred times. Are you looking for God’s angels at work in your life? [...]

  • ZACCHAEUS – Discover How To Make Jesus The Lord Of Your Life – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    The boy loved the way the girl smiled, laughed and looked at him.  She was smart and friendly to everyone, and more than anything, [...]

  • HOW SHOULD I REACT WHEN SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS – Daily Devotions – Little Big Things

    How do you react when something bad happens?  Do you get angry, scream, or cry?  So quick, how would you react if your car [...]

  • Does Social Media HELP or HURT How We See Our Lives? A CHRISTIAN Perspective

    There are so many articles about social media and our self-image.  A lot of research suggests that social media triggers comparisons with others, and [...]

  • GOD IS CALLING – In Good Times and Bad, God is Calling You

    God is calling.   Yes – God is calling you and I to flee to him.  To run into his presence.  Not only to [...]

  • YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN! – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    Retribution, justice and compensation. . . All big words laced with the idea that if you do wrong, you’re going to pay.  Yes, payment [...]

  • HOW CAN I KILL MY PRIDE – 4 Steps to End Pride Forever – Daily Devotions

    How can I kill my pride?  What a tough question, especially knowing how pride can be such a lonely problem. . . Pride is [...]

  • HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL – God Makes Us So – Daily Devotionals

    What makes someone beautiful? Some answers might include your appearance, skin-tone, eyes, body shape, facial characteristics, personality, prestige, the size of your muscles or [...]

  • GLORY TO GOD – Stories of Faith and Inspiration – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    Who doesn’t enjoy hearing incredible, real-life stories that leave us amazed by God and how he works in someone’s life!  My family’s story is [...]

  • WAY TO GO GOD! – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    A guy went ice fishing for the very first time.  As he got ready to drill a hole in the ice he heard a [...]

  • JESUS MIRACLES – His Power In Our Lives Today – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    The Gospel of John says, “Jesus did so many amazing things that the whole world could not contain the books that could be written [...]

  • GOD IS IN CONTROL – Overcoming Worry and Fear – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    Many of us will always remember feeling out of control and filled with fear as Covid 19 entered our lives and thoughts.  Almost overnight, [...]

  • BEING THANKFUL – Gratitude to God is the One Degree Difference

    How can being thankful change your life? It may sound like such a little thing – just a feeling – but it literally changes [...]

  • JONAH – A Whale of Emotions and You – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    We all remember Jonah’s Bible story because he was swallowed by a whale, but did you know his ancient story is filled with power, [...]

  • Most Christians Miss THIS Hidden Truth of Good Friday

    Today's video explores Jesus' last day before going to the Cross. Most people miss a key detail that makes this well-known story come alive! [...]

  • ETERNAL LIFE – From Death to Life In Jesus

    Oh, the thought of living forever in joy, peace and love that never ends, never gets old and always fulfills! This eternal life is [...]

  • GREATEST DAY – The Greatest Day in History! – JESUS IS RISEN – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    Could there really be one greatest day in all of history? Perhaps it’s V-Day, the day Abe Lincoln freed the slaves, or how about [...]

  • GOD’S LOVE – How Do We Know God Loves Us? – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    Does God really love us?  How do really know and what does it mean for us? I knew a man in his mid-thirties who [...]

  • COLD FEET – Jesus Wants to Warm You Up – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

     Have you ever had cold feet about God.  Where you’ve felt doubtful, wishy-washy, or hesitant that God is who he says he is?  If [...]

  • JESUS IS THE ANSWER – It is Not All About Me – Daily Devotions – Little Big Things

    Jesus is the answer.  But what about you and me – sometimes I think I’m the answer, and I’ll bet you feel that way [...]

  • I’M HERE – Jesus Is Right Beside You – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    When times are scary there is nothing better than knowing someone is with you. Three years ago, I broke my neck and cut off [...]

  • CHILDREN OF GOD – Who Does God Say I Am? – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    Have you ever questioned if you are God’s child or why God would or should love you?   Let’s answer these questions with a [...]

  • JESUS CARES – When You’re too Tired to Care – Daily Devotions – Little Big Things

    Jesus cares about you. Yes, Jesus cares about you, me and all of us even when we are so tired, or exhausted, that we [...]

  • I’M WITH YOU AWAYS – Jesus is Always With Us – Daily Devotionals – Little Big Things

    Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together, but if you [...]

  • NOBODY’S PERFECT – The Bible Is Flawless – Daily Devotions

    Nobody’s perfect. It’s true! We can try and try, but eventually we all mess up. Honestly, I mess up every day. Even on my [...]

  • MEDITATE – God’s Word, Meditation and Christianity – Daily Devotional

     I know so many people who think that meditation is not a Christian practice, but the Bible talks about meditating on God’s word dozens [...]


    Have you ever wondered if, when or why God answers or doesn’t answer our prayers? These can be tough questions, especially during times when [...]

  • Why Does Jesus Have Holes in His Hands and Feet? – Doubting Thomas

    Have you ever wondered why the glorified and resurrected body of Jesus still had holes in his hands and feet?  Why didn’t God heal [...]

  • COME HOME TO GOD – God is Looking for You! – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    Because of our sins, faults, and mistakes, it's natural to ask, "Does God even want us to come home?" After all the times we've [...]

  • WHAT IS GOD’S WILL? – What Does God Want For You? – Daily Devotionals

    How often do you think about God's will in your life? When was the last time you wanted something so bad that you talked [...]

  • THE SPIRIT OF GOD – How Sweet It Is, Living In You – Daily Devotions – Little Big Things

    Have you ever met someone who always seem full of life? So filled with the Spirit of God!  They’re so positive and upbeat, and [...]

  • SOCIAL MEDIA DARK SIDE – The Truth About Social Media – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    The little girl screamed and contorted her body – furious because she had rolled her bowling ball directly – and I mean directly – [...]

  • ABUNDANCE – Jesus Wants You To Have His Abundance – Confronting the Liar – Little Big Things

    Abundance!  What an amazing word!  Having abundance means that you have plenty, a lavish amount and more than enough.  It has been described as [...]

  • THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

    I have to admit that when I pray I often let my mind drift.  I find myself thinking about people, work or a gardening [...]